Chapter 6

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We were in the carriage on the way to Pig's mansion and we had the treats to kill him with my stomach growled loudly gaining their attention.

I was staring out of the window wanting to disappear in that moment.

I heard William laugh a little along with Albert "Here" Louis held out one of the treats to me.

"Thanks, Louis you're the sweet one" I took it happily.

The other two frowned while Louis grinned victoriously, we finally made it to the mansion and William held out his hand along with Albert to help me down making me laugh.

"Your both too kind," I told them as they helped me out.

"Welcome," The pig greeted us making me sigh "I can promise that your expectations will not be betrayed, hmm?"

"Oh we brought some food it has a little of my family's secret ingredient it's quite delicious and goes well with tea" I pointed to the basket Louis is holding.

"We also thought it be impolite to simply accept your invitation" William added.

We went in to find a table set up with many treats in the conservatory, and we put the ones we brought on to the table.

I went to sit down "(name) let me" Albert pulled out another chair confusing me.

I sat down in that one instead "Thanks" I nodded to him and he sat next to me along with Louis on my other side.

William sat in the one I was going to sit in and I saw the viscount was next to him frowning for some reason.

We started to eat "It looks similar to the marmalade I often have" The viscount picked one up.

"Oh please have a taste first," Albert asked of him.

He tried it "Orange? Lemon? What is it?" He asked.

"You can't tell? It is something you know quite well Lord Belfor" Albert informed him.

"It is grapefruit," William told him.

"That is a surprise I thought that grapefruit were merely for looking at I never realised they were so delicious" He went to eat more "So it was a family secret ingredient?" He asked me.

"Yeah, my mother said you can make a man's heart stop with it" I grinned.

He smirked thinking I'm interested well I am but only in his death and suffering.

"Well, Lady-" He went to speak.

"You seem to be liking them" William spoke up and leaned on the table to block the viscount's view of me.

"Oh yes, the slight bitterness to it could become habit-forming" He admitted.

"In that case, the juice is not bad either" Louis spoke up and the viscount got the gardener and his wife to come here and make some grapefruit juice.

She was glaring at the viscount as she walked in I waved at her with a smile on my face and she gave me a weak smile back.

The viscount did like to laugh, and he had an annoying but once I saw that it was now the start of act 2 I smirked.

She came around with a knife and headed for the viscount she held it up making him tumble out of his chair "What are you doing!?"

She went for him but her husband pulled her back and made her let go of the knife "This is for what you did to my son! That night in the rain!" She yelled as she struggled.

"In retribution, I will cut your heart out right here!" She started to cry.

"My heart" The viscount grabbed at his chest.

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