Chapter 50

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"Take a look outside" Mycroft motioned for both of us to look out a window.

"But the best view is right here" Sherlock pointed at me as I walked over to the window.

"Yes, you're right, but you're ruining it" Mycroft grinned as Sherlock freaked out making me laugh "Now, what do you think about them?" Mycroft looked outside of the window.

There are two gentlemen outside in suits, one was holding a children's book "The one on the right is a Billiards player" Sherlock pointed out.

"Correct, the right pocket of his vest is covered with chalk and the one next to him?" Mycroft hummed.

"Solider...non commissioned officer" Sherlock answered.

"Really, why?" I asked.

"Sunburnt skin, plus his dignified face and attitude, it's so obvious" Sherlock smirked at me.

"The fact that he's off duty can be seen from the anti-ammunition boots he's wearing, his steps do not resemble those of a cavalryman, but his hat is tilted in a way which allows us to see that part of his forehead is darker than the other" Mycroft pointed out and Sherlock's jaw started to drop more and more at his every word "His weight wouldn't allow him to serve in the defence division, so he must be on artillery."

Mycroft was grinning as Sherlock looked ready to puke "See I'm better than my brother in every way, aren't I?" Mycroft grinned at me.

"OI!" Sherlock yelled.

"I will have a go this seems fun" I hummed and looked down at the men my expression then fell a little.

"What's wrong?" Sherlock asked me.

"He's wearing mourning clothes and from his expression and posture I can tell its recent and is weighing down on him, so it was someone very close" I explained, "He's buying children toys so it might have been his wife, he has to raise them all on his own."

"Them?" Sherlock asked.

"There's a picture book under his arm, newborn babies can't read books that means there are at least two children" Mycroft pointed out and I nodded that he was right.

Sherlock looked like he has lost his soul making me laugh "As I said many times, observing isn't just about what you can see, I won again, so our scores is 640 to 0 and (name) yours is 1," Mycroft grinned at me.

Sherlock groaned "You really do like to tease your brother" I shook my head.

"I can tease you instead if you want, that would be much more fun" Mycroft's grin into a suggestive smirk.

"Too late, she's already gone on a date with me and our relationship has already been rumoured and talked about" Sherlock grinned.

Mycroft frowned a little "Well, the next big scandal will be Sherlock's brother stole Lady Pandora from him."

"You do like stealing other peoples partners and fiances" I laughed.

"Only you're worth the trouble" Mycroft informed me as there was a knock at the door.

He answered it and brought in some cups with a teapot, he put it down on a table and poured one drink.

"Here" Mycroft gave me the drink, I had a sip and the flavour made my eyes widen making Mycroft laugh, "I thought you wouldn't be able to relax from how much has happened so I ordered for some tea that helps relieve tension so you can relax here."

"Thank you, I needed that" I grinned as he got me to sit back down and he sat in the other chair.

"Now did you just call us here so you could flirt and have an analysis contest?" Sherlock groaned.

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