Chapter 17

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It's now late at night "Now we should be getting a visitor soon" I grinned.

I was with Moran drinking in the room above the cafe "Huh who?" He asked.

"Sherlock" I explained.

He made a disgusted face I just laughed "Why is he coming to visit a lady so late? Hasn't he been arrested this morning?" He asked.

"Yes, but from intel from my tavern he is good friends with the police force they will give him a chance to prove his innocence, so once he runs where will he go?" I asked.

Moran hummed "He can't go anywhere, wait here?" He asked me to confirm and I nodded.

"I may be a new friend but that is what makes me the best option they don't know my connection with him so this place is where he would head to first" I explained.

"You truly are a genius!" Moran laughed and ruffled my hair.

"I hope Fred is okay" I mumbled Fred is out he's meeting with the real murder.

"Of course he is but you should be concerned about yourself you been working on the shop all day you must be knackered I will wake you up when I hear him" Moran moved my head onto his shoulder and moved his hand gently through my hair pulling me into the world of sleep.

I woke up to Moran gently rubbing my cheek with his hand "He's downstairs he's been there for a while" Moran informed me.

"Why didn't you wake me soon?" I rubbed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see he's pointing at my face while grinning "Your too cute" I immediately blushed meaning he won this time.

"You're too embarrassing," I told him.

I went down the stairs to the kitchen and had a candle on me "So..." I laughed when I went to the kitchen I wasn't expecting this sight.

Sherlock was there froze with a sandwich stuffed in his mouth he then blushed seeing me in my nightclothes but I'm completely covered and tired so I don't care.

"Your clothes" He laughed nervously.

"And you're in my kitchen with my sandwich in your mouth? So do I need to shout for the police?" I asked.

"Oh they are already after me" He laughed, and I saw the cuffs on his wrists still.

"I have some leftover cakes come and explain Watson didn't squeak" I pointed to where we sat before.

He took the candle for me along with the cake I was a little surprised "You look sleepy so its best you don't multi-task" He explained as he walked out of the kitchen.

He then turned and hit his knee against the table I put my hand in front of my face to hide my laughter as he groaned embarrassed.

We both sat down, and he explained everything to me "So you help the police force frequently that is why your friend let you go and you are being accused of a crime you have no hand in, how are you going to get out?" I asked interested.

He got out a ring "Your plan is to marry me?" I asked intrigued.

"No, I'm going to do that in the future" He flirted "And I don't think that will save me."

"Oh, it can remember who can touch the Pandora family?" I grinned.

He hummed "No one, I will keep this plan as a back up anyway this is the ring of the real perpetrator."

"Who will that be?" I asked.

"No clue!" He exclaimed making me laugh "But I think this crime was all orchestrated again."

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