Chapter 15

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"Its a very pretty night" I looked up at the sky.

"The moonlight does make you looking like your glowing like a real jewel but we can't have you seen" William pulled my hood back up and made sure my hair was inside the hood.

His fingers just skimmed my neck making me shiver William smirked he then kissed my nose and laughed at my blush "You're so pure."

The man we are using for the next act came along we have met beforehand to talk he has a bottle in his hand and is swaying a little he must have been drinking for a while now.

I noticed the look in his eyes he's already a dead man walking "Now it does not matter to you that you may lose your life as a result your violation remains unchanged then?" William asked to confirm again before we send him out.

"Sooner or later I will fall victim to this incurable disease and I haven't much time my wish has already come true, my life means nothing to me" He reassured us and left.

"He will succeed, he is alone and near death, people love to cling onto the last thing they have, once he pulls the trigger he will be empty and soon get caught without resistance" I mumbled as I watched him stumble down the street.

"We will see if he passes our test" William added, "I will be putting you in charge of overseeing (name) your new title will be the Overseer."

"It would be my pleasure watching another noblemen fall it's always beautiful" I grinned.

William took my arm and led me home once we got back we saw the boys sitting there nervously waiting.

"You were gone for a long time welcome home you two" Louis gave us a sweet smile.

"We have a plan for the next act that is also a test" William explained and we told them everything.

"No" I sighed hearing that from Louis for the third time now.

"She is ours" Moran hugged me tightly from behind.

"What caused this reaction? I thought you all were fine with it" I asked as I reached my hand up and pat his hair.

"We didn't know you would be so near that wretched man" Louis explained and was glaring out of the window.

"We promised (name) she will still have freedom and only keep her away if she's in danger or needs rest" Albert spoke up.

"Yes (name) still has her freedom and Sherlock will not be suspicious of her we also need a small base for Fred to retreat to" William explained.

"I own many shops one is down the road of his home it has gone downhill so I won't be suspicious being there, I will be watching from afar as well as I focus on the shop" I reassured them.

"That's good but make sure to stay clear of the windows when he glances in (name)" Albert asked of me.

I looked at him curiously "Everyone can see a jewel clearly when it's surrounded by charcoal" Albert told me.

"I will go with her I can be a worker" Moran added.

"Now what will you do with the shops after will you sell them after?" Louis asked.

"That screams suspicious and I don't want to sell them as I said I'm going to change them the main one will become a cafe it will sell cakes and sweets then the other that is near will be a tavern they both potentially can turn into gathering places" I grinned.

"You're smart as always" William complimented me.

The next day I went to go to the cafe but "Life hates me right now" I sighed.

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