Chapter 35

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I read the report William has in his hands as everyone else was waiting for William to come up with a plan.

"I see" William mumbled.

I put my hands over his eyes "Now can you?" I asked.

"No but it's even better since I can now easily picture the most beautiful person in existence since I can hear their voice and feel them," He removed my hands and smirked at my blushing face "Oh, but I don't know the full beauty of them, I wonder what it looks like underneath."

I then shivered badly concerning him "Moran!" I exclaimed.

"I always wondered what your hips would feel like in my hands" He laughed "And it's a perfect fit, wow, I left you breathless."

I put my head on William's shoulder to hide my blushing face and I heard Moran groan, he probably got hit by Fred, Louis and Jack again.

William laughed and hugged me to himself "How did you know it was Moran?" Bond asked me as he rubbed my back from behind the chair.

"Who else would do something so shameless?" Louis groaned.

"Actually I recognised his grip it's firm and comforting, I like it when he holds me" I explained and looked back to see Moran blushing more than I have ever seen before.

"Well, I li-" He had to turn away making William and I laugh.

"Looks like I win this one" I smirked making Moran grin.

"What are you reading?" Bond asked William.

"Investigative reports from our man inside the Yard" William answered.

"An inside man?" Bond mumbled.

"Yes, we will likely be working with him more frequently before long so you will meet him soon" I answered.

"Oh? I can't wait" He grinned.

"It looks as though the Yard is nowhere near closing in on the killer" Jack pointed out.

"Yes, and there has been to much done in such little time to just be one killer" I hummed.

"Two?" Louis asked

"No a group, I am also clearly able to see the full scope of these killings, we are going to show these phoney Jack the Rippers who the real devils around this town are" William smirked.

William then noticed me starting, seeing him in the light from the window makes him look "Very sexy" I grinned.

He blushed making me laugh "Oh, look at that I can make the Lord of Crime blush" I teased.

"So you think you are above me? Well, I just have to do the biggest crime and take the most precious jewel all for myself" William moved his hand out, it went through my hair and it then grazed my neck making me shiver and him smirk.

"No roleplaying right now, (name) needs her sleep" Louis scolded us making me laugh.

In the morning we got up earlier to make our plan and to get all the information we need "First why would the killers claim to be Jack the Ripper and write to the newspapers?" William asked us.

"Chaos" I answered, "Meaning they are doing these crimes to cause a riot or even revolution instead of satisfying some perverted fantasy like most murders."

"Yes as always you're up to speed with me, I'm glad you exist and are here with me" He gave me a sleepy smile.

I found him too cute in that moment "Same here!" Moran yelled making me laugh and the others sigh.

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