Chapter 4

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We went to the carriage to go back and Albert and William held out their hand to me.

Albert's eyes widened while William smirked at him and I was pulled into the carriage by Louis shocking the two I just laughed at their expressions.

I was next to Albert and Louis was opposite of me he looked out the window at everything in awe I found him quite cute "We can take you to visit any places you're interested in" I spoke up.

He looked to me shocked then grinned "Thank you."

We made it home and watched them react to the house Louis hid behind William.

We walked towards the entrance "Welcome home, Mr Albert, Miss (name)" The head butler greeted us.

"Hey hold it you two go around the back" He demanded of the boys "If you come in here with those shoes you will make the foyer filthy."

"I will go with them then" I went towards them but the butler grabbed my wrist.

"Miss (name) you shouldn't trouble yourself with such low-" He tried to say something stupid.

"Simon! As of today, they are members of the Moriarty Household you will cease treating them so rudely! And you are grabbing a ladies arm!" Albert scolded him I have never heard him get so loud before so even I was surprised.

He let go of my arm a little scared by Albert's expression of rage.

"Now what's all the commotion?" The pig was visiting again "Oh Lady (name) would you like some help to your room?" He came over and moved my hair out of the way of my face.

He had to move back because Louis came running over to me and clung onto my dress surprising us the pig got angry "I see your scared" I ruffled Louis's hair.

I walked with him and kept an eye on the pig's foot so he didn't try and trip me up again.

"Thank you, Louis, you saved me there" I sighed in relief once we got away.

"I didn't like it you looked uncomfortable so I just kind of ran without thinking" He explained.

I found it cute and we headed up the stairs the others caught up to us "Is he one?" William asked me.

"Yeah he supposedly saved me from the fire he caused and I will be marrying him in three months" I explained.

"Marriage?" They all mumbled.

"I have already told father that I was bringing you two" Albert informed them, and we made it to the room they are in.

"The youngest one is ill I sure don't want to catch whatever he has! Orphans are all filthy and filled with diseases! If anything happens to one of my children..." We heard Albert's mother screaming.

"Oh excuse me could you get us some cakes?" I asked one of the servants that went past us.

She was scared until she saw it was us "Right away" She ran off happily.

We walked off to their room it's in another building sadly because Albert's mother didn't want them under the same roof.

The servant came along with the cakes I asked for "Thanks" I grinned as she set them down on the table.

Louis' eyes looked to be like they are shining making me laugh it was their first time having cake.

William just found them okay while Louis looked like he was in heaven when he took his first bite.

Louis had a check-up from a doctor later on, and he needs to have an operation very soon but should be able to regain his full strength after.

A week went past and I could tell Albert was at breaking point with his family all they ever did was moan about those two.

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