Chapter 32

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"Do you want me to help you change?" Irene asked me as I got off the carriage at one of my shop locations, I left some clothes there from the last time I came here.

"Oh, I-" I went to answer.

"NO!! Seriously what do you want with (name)!?" Moran glared at her.

"My loyalty mostly goes to (name) because of everything she has done for me so I want to help her" She explained, "I'm also curious to what a goddess's body would look like."

Moran fully blushed while I was left shocked "Oh I'm delighted that we were thinking the same thing" I grinned making Irene blush a little.

"No...." Moran seemed to be fantasising about it.

"Moran you can watch or join" I teased and he couldn't even speak.

In the end, Louis came with me to help me get changed since we need Irene to not be seen yet. The others went to the library that I will be bringing Mycroft to.

"I will be going to collect the government's dog since we need to put a leash on them," I told Louis as my carriage arrived.

He nodded "Be safe, I will be meeting up with the others."

I arrived at Mycroft's office and knocked "Come in" He ordered.

I opened the door and smiled at him "You seem very happy" He smirked and he seemed to gain more energy when he saw it was me.

"Oh I'm about to gain something extraordinary, now we have possession of the documents along with Adler" I informed him.

"Do your feet hurt?" Mycroft asked me and I was surprised.

"My many people are interested in my feet today" I laughed and he gave me a weird look "Come, I didn't bring the documents with me in case there's another group aiming for them."

"Good thinking" He nodded and followed me, I smirked wondering what his reaction will be when we arrive at the library.

As we were on our way to the library Mycroft held something out to me in a little bag "What is this?" I asked.

"It was a gift, it's a little cake with cream inside" He explained.

I took a bite and it was wonderful making me hum happily and he grinned seeing my reaction "That was worth searching for" He hummed.

"I thought you were given it" I spoke up and his eyes widened making me laugh.

We arrived and walked into the library and I went over to Albert as Mycroft stayed back since he got a glimpse of Adler "Well done" Albert praised me.

I sat next to him and he kissed my cheek then licked it and took my hand in his "You like little bits of food on your face on purpose, don't you? You like being licked by me?" Albert asked making me blush and he smirked at Mycroft.

"(name) I thought you were smarter than this, you have possession of the document and Alder you informed me, I trust there's an explanation for this?" Mycroft asked.

"Of course I never said what condition she is in" I informed him.

"I hate that I find you endearing" Mycroft sighed as he couldn't hide his smirk.

"The contents of this document were extremely fascinating, how the French Revolution was a social experiment set up by Britain and how the master of a plot made such a perfect plan, but the other master Maximilien Robespierre was the author of this document and an agent working for Britain" Albert held up the document.

"Yes, it is the strategy that the British empire used in their effort to bring about the French Revolution, if these papers ever became public our allied nations would have ample and justifiable reason to go to war against Britain."

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