Chapter 14

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There was no suspicion put on us and the Noahtic sailed back home quickly in the morning. Everyone stayed stored away in their rooms petrified so we enjoyed the mostly empty ship.

We were no getting off and I huffed, I have lost the others and need to get down the stairs but there were many people "I will be too slow on my own" I sighed again knowing I will have to wait till the end.

I was leaning on the railing looking down below to see if I can catch sight of the others.

"Do you need help, my lady?" I saw a hand and it leads to a smirking detective.

"I do" I smiled and took his hand he wrapped his arm around mine and started to help me down the stairs.

As I was focusing on the stairs I felt his stare and looked up at him "Where were you during the break between acts? I saw you walking around without anyone" He asked me.

"Can a lady not use a toilet?" I replied.

He blushed then laughed a little "You really are a rose there are thorns digging into me this very moment but I don't know where they all are" Sherlock smirked looking around as we got to the bottom of the stairs all the boys must be glaring at him since we told them to be wary of him.

"You might want to be careful you know, Pandora's box after all" I stepped away from him.

He laughed loudly "(name)" William came to my side he looked so relieved seeing I'm okay and he seemed a little out of breath.

"Yo mathematician you left your beautiful lady upstairs someone could have taken her while you weren't there I was very tempted" He grinned.

William narrowed his eyes and took my free hand and kept a tight hold "I have actually been looking for you and Blue Rose I needed someone I can talk to about that show that was put on aboard the ship" He explained.

"It was quite spectacular however we are not knowledge about ballet-" William informed him.

"That's not what I meant I'm talking about the dramatic murder in full view of everyone" He explained as he got out a cigarette "That was no ordinary killing."

"How so Mr detective?" I asked

"Are you saying that something about it was contrived?" William added.

"Yeah the body, the poor fellow died the night before from his jaw to his limbs post mortem rigor mortis had set in right down to his fingertips which means he has been dead for 10 to 15 hours already no matter how you look at it he was not killed on that stage," He told us.

"So you know forensic pathology as well?" William smirked.

"Its common knowledge around France this country is behind, anyhow back to to the point this makes matters highly irregular, what those in the audience witnessed was the count in the act of thrusting his dagger into the victim's body" He reminded us.

"But afterwards the count says what's so bad about killing commoners which is to say he was conscious that he killed his victim however that night it was a corpse odd isn't it?" He asked us.

"Yes indeed so" William nodded.

"It follows then that the count was unaware of the fact that the victim was already dead so he was led to believe that the corpse was alive so it stands to reason there was likely a third party that led him to this" He speculated.

"A third party? How did you get to that?" I asked.

"Its a wild story but there's only one explanation that makes sense that being this whole ship was the stage for the incident someone compelled the count to act as he did through many schemes someone set up that entire scene," He told us.

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