Oneshot 1 ☁️

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3rd Person Pov:

Today is the day that Langa promised himself to make amends with his best friend and the person he's been having conflicting feelings for. After rehearsing what he was going to say a million times in the bathroom mirror, he finally has down what he's going to say to the crimson haired boy. Now all he has to do, is actually say it in person. 

"Hey Reki, can I talk to you for a moment?" Langa taps the read heads shoulder and retracts his hand back to his pocket nervously. 

Reki turns around, facing Langa for a moment to see a soft smile growing on his face, and quickly turns back around to close his locker and walk away. "Leave me alone." he mutters under his breath. 

"Wait, Reki! Please?" Langa says desperately, feeling like he could fall down to his knees and beg if he had to. He wanted, no, needed Reki back in his life. Ever since their argument the week prior, Langa hasn't been able to sleep nor have a joyous day. His mind is constantly dwelling about the many things he should have done, instead of watching him walk away glumly in the rain. He missed Reki's intoxicating smile, the way the tiny freckles planted on his cheeks turned pink whenever he blushed, the way he made Langa feel inside. 

Reki spins around and stomps like a child over to the taller one with his fists clenched at his sides. "What's there to talk about anyways?" Reki hisses. Langa's breath hitches in his throat and he subconsciously takes a step back. Too close...

"Well u-uh." he scratches the back of his neck, then looks back to Reki once he comes up with an idea. It could end up working great or get him killed... Either sounded fine with him at the moment though. 

Langa takes a step forward and pats the top of Reki's head. The red head's face sprinkles itself with a light pink shade before feeling Langa's fingers grip the top of his headband and slide it off his head, dashing down the school hallway. 

It takes Reki a few moments to register what just happened, but soon he's off chasing Langa out of the school and down the street where there are surprisingly no cars on the road. Truth be told, Reki did miss Langa as much as he did, but he's still angry and confused; angry that Langa continues wanting to skate with Adam, and confused why Langa would want to make amends with a bad skater like him. All Reki can feel like is a failure. He's been skating forever, yet someone as awesome as Langa has been able to surpass him so quickly. He isn't jealous, he just feels incapable of being a good skater now. 

"Langa give it back!" he shouts. 

"Not until you let me talk to you." Langa responds, leaving Reki displeased. 

"Fine, we can talk. Just give me back my baby." 

Langa allows Reki to catch up to him and they walk over to sit down on a park bench. 

"Ok, so what do you want to talk about?" he looks over at the blue haired boy with his arms crossed awkwardly over his chest. 

"I wanted to um, apologize..." Langa sighs and rests the headband on Reki's knee, "I shouldn't have broken our promise, I didn't mean to ruin things. I'm sorry." The blue haired boy wipes away his teary eyes before tears are able to fall. 

"I'm sorry too." Reki frowns, "I shouldn't have avoided you all this time and told you how I feel." 

"How you feel about Adam?" Langa's eyes widen.

"Well yeah, him.... and you." 

Langa's heart begins to beat rapidly the point he can hear it in his ears and feel it in his palms. Does he...? 

"Wh- and me? What do you mean?" 

"I... Langa close your eyes." 

"Um, okay." 

'Am I really about to do this?'  Reki asks himself. He leans his body forwards and connects his lips with Langa's only for a split second before pulling away out of embarrassment. 

"I-I'm s-sorry I shouldn't have." Reki stutters out. 

"Why? I didn't mind it." Langa speaks before closing the space between them again and kissing the smaller boy passionately.


Eek this was so poorly written I apologize, I just didn't know where to go with it lmaoo, anyways yeah it would be cute if something like this happened. 

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