Oneshot 2 ☁️🌧️

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(Fluff & Angst)

3rd person pov:

"Reki! Stop fighting me I just want to talk to you." Langa latches his hands around Reki's wrists and keeps him from running away. 'I won't let you go this time.'

"Langa let go of me!"

He had no intention of letting him go. He definitely wouldn't or couldn't make that mistake twice. 

Surprisingly no one was around to watch them and were instead getting prepared and finding the best spots to watch Cherry and Adam skate against each other. No one at S has ever seen them compete with each other before. 

"Where are you going Reki?" 

"I'm leaving! I can't skate here anymore." the shorter boy tries his hardest to yank his arms away from Langa's hold, but he doesn't budge and eventually gives up and calms down, resting the top of his head on Langa's chest. 

"You're so stupid." Reki mumbles. 

"Maybe, but I won thanks to your encouragement." Langa slides Reki's hat off of his head -it falling onto the wet ground- and tangles his fingers in the crimsonettes hair playfully; one hand still holding onto him. 

"Shut up... I was just making sure you didn't die out there." 

An awkward silence falls over the two boys, neither of them knowing what to say. They both felt the same things and wanted to say the same things to each other, they just didn't know how to. 

How do you tell your best friend that you're in love with them so easily? If that isn't hard enough, how do you do it when you're the same sex as them? So many things could go wrong. 

"Reki." Langa speaks up quietly. 


"I'm sorry for breaking our promise." he frowns.

"It doesn't matter anymore." he shakes his head, "you could still end up going against him."  

"Hey, I'm not going to get hurt if that's what you're worried about." He takes his hands off the smaller boy and takes a slight step back to get a better look at all of him... the boy he just recently found out he was head over heels for..

There are bags underneath his eyes from crying and his face looks like it's forgotten how to smile. Just looking at him made Langa's stomach twist and turn. 'I caused this.'  he tells himself. 

"How do you know?" he winces, "Adam is dangerous, you should know this. That's why I'm so mad... and confused. Why would you do this if you could get hurt? I-I c-can't have you getting hurt Langa." 

"I won't get hurt I promi-"

"Don't." Reki interrupts him by putting a hand over the others mouth. "Don't make promises you may not be able to keep. I want you to drop out of this race, if you're really sorry, you'll do that for me." 

"Okay." Langa says lacking any hesitation.

"H-huh!?" Reki jumps, "is it really that simple?"

Langa brings the hand that's covering his face up to his lips and kisses it.

"L-Langa.." Reki stutters nervously. 

The taller boy looks down and cups his hands around the crimsonettes face and presses his lips delicately against the others, like a paintbrush on a canvas. Once he realizes that the smaller boy isn't pulling away, he leans in closer, earning a small squeak from Reki. 

After a few more seconds, they pull away from each other with bright red faces.

"As long as I can see you everyday again and your smile, I'll do anything. Reki, I want you to stay with me." 

"Okay." he whispers in response. 

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