Oneshot 8 ☁️

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So I was planning on just having 1 more oneshot but I changed my mind because I keep on coming up with different things to write about. I don't think I will be taking anymore requests until I'm finished with my renga story though so yeah. 



(Shorter chapter because why not?)

3rd person pov:

"So why did you make me wait until everyone left to give me my birthday present?" Langa sits at the edge of Reki's bed with his hands sitting in his lap.

"Because I didn't want anyone to feel bad about how lame their present is compared to mine." Reki grins confidently. He goes into his closet and begins rummaging around for the presents.

"How do you know I won't find your present lame?" Langa chuckles.

"Fine, it may be a little lame but at least it's not a bad as the Lego set Shadow got you." Reki's voice is slightly muffled from him being inside the closet, but soon he pulls out a rectangular box and a square one with his two hands and sets it on his bed next to Langa. 

"Jeez Reki what did you get me? A really big lego set?" he snickers. 

"You wish. I also have a third present but I'll give it to you after you're done opening these." Reki pats the boxes with his hand. 


Langa grabs the bigger box first and tears off the wrapping paper and tosses it at Reki playfully. He opens the slide flaps of the box and sees a new skateboard inside.

"A skateboard?" Langa smiles and turns his focus over to the red head. 

"Yeah I built you a 2nd one, look at the bottom." he nods.

He grabs it out of the box, letting the box drop onto the ground, and flips over the board, instantly seeing what Reki was referring too. (Feel free to imagine whatever design/what it looks like)

"It's beautiful Reki.. thank you."

"Of course, now open this. It goes along with the skateboard." 

The bluenette excitingly opens his 2nd gift and see's 2 sets of 4 customized wheels. The bluenette remembers how Reki was explaining how he started making wheels for skateboards, and not just the boards themselves. 

"Wow... Reki, did you make these?" 

"Mhm." Reki grins, "do you like them?"

"I do. Thank you." He hesitates as first, but leans forwards and gives Reki a short-lasting hug. They both pull away with light pink dusting their cheeks, but they pretended not to notice. 

Langa stands up and places the wheels and skateboard into the larger box, and crumples the wrapping paper into a ball and throws it at Reki again, hitting him in the cheek. 

"Ow." Reki frowns, "you don't get your 3rd present now." 

"Wait noo I'm sorry." he scoots over closer to Reki and rubs the spot where the paper hit him with his thumb. Reki instantly goes red in the face. 'He's so close to me... I can't breath.'

"Oh- sorry. I didn't mean to do that.." Langa apologizes and pulls his hand away quickly. 

"W-wait no it's okay... I didn't mind." the red head admits sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. 

"Oh? Then can I ask you something?" Langa questions. 

"Okay..." Reki cautions. 

"Um, can you close your eyes for just a second?" Langa moves his body so they're facing each other. 

"W-what? Why?" Reki jumps back a little. 

"Just do it." Langa directs, "and keep them closed, no peeking." 

Reki sighs in defeat and closes them tight, now feeling extremely exposed to his peer. 

"If you don't like it just tell me okay?" Reki takes notice of the way his bed is moving and shifting, and can presume that Langa is getting closer to him. 

Why is he getting closer to me? I'm going to freak out. 

Langa places his thumb against the crimsonette's chin and admires all of his features up close; the way his freckles beautifully fall on each cheek, the way his button nose is placed so articulately and perfectly on his face, the way his lips look so heavenly and soft...

Oh what Langa would give to call all of Reki his own. 

What he would give to be able to hold him in whenever he wanted, kiss him whenever he wanted, or see him whenever he wanted.

Langa leans in closer and closer until he can feel a small amount of Reki's uneven breaths on his own lips. 

Should I even be doing this? Am I crazy?

Langa, feeling very indecisive, gives in and lets himself close the excruciating distance between them. He lets his eyes flutter close and gets ready for anything that could happen. Reki could end up slapping him, or kissing him back. Either way, he wants to be prepared. 

At first, Reki sits their unmoving and not understanding of what's happening, leaving the boy who's currently kissing him more nervous than ever. He squints one of his eyes open and sees the bluenettes eyes closed. 

He's... He's actually doing that I think he's doing. 

He places both of his hands on the sides of Langa's face and pulls him closer, adding pressure onto the others' lips, causing the bluenette to hum in compliance. Reki's scent surrounds him and he leans forwards more to take in more of the red head's intoxicating and addicting self. 

He always imagined kissing Langa (and vise versa), but neither of them ever thought it would be.. this mesmerizing. 

Their lips part for a few needed seconds to catch their breath and Reki nudges his nose up against Langa's. 

"You idiot, you just spoiled your 3rd present." Reki frowns before bringing his lips back up Langa's desperately for a few more kisses. 

They pull away for the last time and Langa rests his forehead on the smaller boys'. 

"You were going to give me a kiss for my 3rd present?" Langa teases.

"Shut up. You would've loved it if you hadn't ruined it." 

"You're probably right." he chuckles. "But I guess you were too slow to do it first." 

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