Oneshot 12 ☁️🌧

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Tw: Anxiety (Anxious thoughts)

(Fluff & a little angst)

(Longer oneshot)

3rd Person Pov:

"Stopp! You're too sweet Langa." the girl playfully elbows the bluenette in the arm, nudging into him slightly for the third or fourth time today. 

Reki watches intently at the two with his fists clenched at his sides while sitting on the half pipe with Miya and Joe next to him. For the past couple weeks, they've been practicing together to prepare for the new tournament that's being held at S this weekend. 

So why is Langa continuously letting this girl bother and distract him from practicing? This has been going on for days. DAYS!

She sat at the top of the half pipe, waiting for the group, or more specifically, Langa, to show up, everyday, and somehow convinced him to teach her the skating basics. 

Does he like her? Why is he agreeing to it?

"There you go, you got it." Langa smiles hesitantly at the girl in front of her. 

"I'm so bad at balancing." She laughs at her self deprecating jokes, "you're so amazing for teaching me." 

"Oh- no, it's nothing." Langa itches the side of his face with his nail. 

The situation didn't really bother the others as much because they thought of it as one more unprepared person they'll beat, but Reki on the other hand doesn't  care if he wins or loses against Langa. 

What he does care about is the fact that some random girl is talking to Langa. 

Not to mention this girl is constantly flirting with him and obviously doesn't care at all about learning how to skate. 

"Reki what's wrong? You look super tense." Miya asks with worry in his voice while poking the red head in the shoulder with his finger. 

"Huh?" Reki shakes his head and turns to the smaller boy.

"You good?" Miya repeats. 

"O-oh yeah, I'm good I'm good." Reki nods timidly. He turns back to Langa and the black haired girl.

At first, Reki tried his absolute hardest to ignore his annoyed feelings, but it got too difficult and now all he can do is stare at her and glare. 

"Langa, I'm falling!" she shouts and Langa quickly jumps forwards and catches her before she can. She collapses in his arms and looks up at him with bright eyes and Langa stares back awkwardly. 

Reki rubs his hands over his exhausted eyes and bites his tongue to stop him from crying out in anger and betrayal. 

"It should be me and you, not you and her." Reki murmurs to himself incoherently. 

But it's not Langa's fault he doesn't like Reki right? So should he be happy for the bluenette instead? Does he really have a right to be angry?

"Did you say something slime?" Miya clicks his tongue. 

"No, I didn't say anything." Reki replies angrily. 

"I think you're lying. You're being so, jumpy and... odd." Miya points out. 

"It's 'cause he's jealous, that's all." Joe joins into the conversation.

"H-huh? No I'm not! What's there to be jealous over anyways?" Reki speaks defensively. 

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