Oneshot 10 ☁️

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Here is your guy's 2nd payment for helping me get to 70k. (Well technically I just hit 80k so um anyways)

This one doesn't have any TW's and no hit and runs I promise. 

Oneshot requested by: mikasaspr0perty (Love your username btw)


(Fluff and more Fluff)

(Longer oneshot)

3rd Person:

"Langa! I spilt flour all over myself what do I do." Reki shouts for his boyfriend who was busy finding supplies in the pantry. 

"What did you say?" Langa asks. 

"Just come out here please!" 

Langa sighs and walks back into the kitchen and almost drops all of his supplies in shock. 

"Reki, baby, how does that even happen?"

The red head somehow managed to cover himself almost head to toe in flour. "Luckily" most of the flour was caught by Reki's clothes instead of falling on the floor, so thats less mess that Langa will have to deal with later. 

Langa has been trying to teach him how to bake since they haven't been able to go skating due to the downpour outside. Baking was one of his small hobbies back in Canada, and he thought it would be fun to do with his boyfriend. 

"I dropped it on myself..." he frowns, "help me please?" 

Langa tilts his head to the side, "how am I supposed to help with that? Go outside and shake the flour off."

"Okay.." he says flustered. 

As Reki goes and does his thing, Langa sighs again and gets out the broom to sweep everything up and throw it in the trash. 

How did he even manage to get so much on himself but barely on the floor?

"Langa I got most of it off but it smeared everywhere." 

Langa looks up from sweeping and tries his best to hold in his laugh. 

He looks like the pillsbury dough boy..

"Don't laugh at me or I'll hug you." he threatens. 

"I'm not laughing..." Langa clenches his jaw to keep himself from stifling out even a small chuckle. 

"Better not... Now let's bake!" He grins.

"Okay. lets try to avoid making more messes though mkay?" 

Reki nods.

"So I just-" Reki rolls the cookie dough into small balls, "and then press them down on here?" 

"Have you really never baked cookies before?"

"Do I look like a little kid?" Reki glares. 

Langa takes a moment to look Reki up and down. His hair was all messed up and pointing in opposite directions, his sock had a hole in them near the toes, his whole outfit had smeared flour on it, (some still in his hair). His whole appearance reminded Langa of a clumsy 7 year old.

"Yes. You do." He answers. 

"Shut up.."

"Why? I'm just teasing." Langa smiles innocently. 

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