Renga art 13

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Funny story but also sad story. So I got my dad to start watching sk8 the infinity right, and he really likes it which im happy about, and we got to episode 8 (the ep where Langa comes out to his mom) AND IT WENT RIGHT OVER HIS HEAD. 

He was like, "Oh haha she thought he was talking about a crush when he just meant his friend."

I wouldn't say my dad is 'homophobic' per se, he doesn't care if people are gay or not bc he says its, "none of his business what people do", but he's the type to assume that everyone is straight unless told otherwise, so my closeted ass was so scared that he was gonna be like, "Oh, he's gay?" BUT KUYVEFAGUDWHIOJQOGIUBWD IT WENT RIGHT OVER HIS HEAD LMFAO. ANYWAYS ONTO THE GAY PICTURES. 

(Creds: Odalysaline on Twitter)

(Creds: Odalysaline on Twitter)

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(Creds: loudarmybombs on Twitter)

(Creds: loudarmybombs on Twitter)

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(Creds: claripaint on Twitter)

(Creds: claripaint on Twitter)

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(Creds: knightdoom4 on Twitter)

(Creds: knightdoom4 on Twitter)

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