Oneshot 7 ☁️🌧

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Hold on. Can someone tell me how this book has already hit more than 30k? Yall have no idea how much im freaking out. Thats almost 1 thousand reads per chapter. THERE'S 1K OF YOU? AHHHH THATS SO MANY HUMANS ITS CRAZY. 

This oneshot idea was from both DaHolySpiritOfAnime & bakugous_wife

(I changed it up a little bit so I hope you guys still like it 😊 )

(Fluff and a little bit of angst)

(Longer Chapter)

3rd Person Pov:

"Hurry Langaaa before you get soaked!!" Reki shouts towards the blue haired boy who's  running against the rain thats pelting against his cold face. 

"I'm trying!" Langa responds back. He brings his skateboard above his head to stop some of the rain from soaking him. All the two could think about how it was supposed to be a sunny day today and perfect skating weather. 

For the past week or so, the weather has be nonstop rain and cold, definitely not something you'd enjoy skating in. The news finally forecasted that today would be sunny, but they predicted it incorrectly. 

They finally make it up to Reki's front porch and barge in.

"Aaahh It's so warm in here." Reki hugs the air surrounding him. 

"Big brother you're getting water everywhere!" Koyomi scowls. 

"Go stand out there and see if you'd care then." Reki snaps back. 

"Children, can we go one day without bickering with one another?" Reki's grandma voices from her rocking chair. 

"Sorry." Reki says behind clenched teeth. 

"Langa!!" Nanaka and Chihiro both gallop into the room and hug Langa's legs which limit his movements and cause him to lose balance and almost fall over.  

"Oh, hi there."  Langa smiles down at them. 

The twins have taken a strange liking to the blue haired boy. They suddenly began showing him their toys and drawings one day, and Langa would then reply with kind words such as "that's so cool" or "I love that drawing of yours". It happens every time Langa comes over to be with Reki. 

"Hiii!" The twins say in unison. "Can I show you my new drawing?" Nanaka grins with puppy eyes. She holds up a piece of paper in the air and waits for Langa to take it. 

"No look at mine first!" Chihiro argues and pushes her twin over and she dramatically flops onto her back, and begins to cry. 

"Uhh..." Langa darts his eyes up to Reki and pleads for help and all Reki can do is stand their and chuckle at his boyfriends misery. 

"Girls, leave the poor boy alone. Im sure he'll look at your drawings later okay?" Reki's mom emerges from the kitchen after hearing the crying and picks the both of them up from the floor. 

"Sorry about that Langa." She chuckles.

"It's alright." he sends back a small smile. 

Suddenly he feels someone yanking him by the hand and he's lead down a dark hallway into a room which he presumes is Reki's... since it was obvious Reki is the one who dragged him so hostility.

Langa inspects the whole room with his curious eyes. There are many skating posters plastered over the painted walls and a small desk in the corner that him and Reki always watched the skating videos at. The bluenette has been over to the red head's home many times, but this is the first time he's actually noticed all the small details. 

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