Oneshot 9 🌊

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Hiya guys. This is my first payment to thank you all for 70k views. 

This was requested by N0xirite

TW: Murder, violence, blood, and mentions of Ad*m 

I honestly wouldn't suggest reading this if you're under 14 😗

(I get scared when I see 12 year olds reading my regular one shots I-)


(Not renga, very chaotic)

3rd person: 

"Kaoru are you fucking drunk?" Joe sneers into his ear. 

"Not necessarily.." Cherry keeps one hand on the steering wheel and the other to push away Joe's face that was only mere inches away from his, "get out of my fucking space bubble. I'm trying to drive." 

The whole gang was following behind Adam and Tadashi who were racing against each other for the first time. They heard the news and immediately headed down to S to watch up close. 

"You shouldn't even be driving. You reek of alcohol." Kojiro explains, "and how come I'm the one reprimanding you?"

"Can you two shut the hell up? Miya growls from the backseat, squished between Reki and Langa. 

"Yeah, we don't have the option to stop Joe because there's a car behind us. We just have to hope that Cherry doesn't hit anything." Reki reasons with everyone. 

 "You better not damage my damn car Kaoru." Hiromi crosses his arms across his chest. 

"I'm not going to!" he spats back. He increases his pressure on the gas pedal and they speed up closer to the skating pair. 

"Careful." Kojiro places his hand on Kaoru's knee to stop him from accelerating too fast. "Don't forget you have 4 kids in the back."

"I'm 24!" Hiromi growls. 

"I've always hated that bastard.." Kaoru whispers to himself, "imagine if I accidentally hit him." 

"DO IT!" Reki encourages. He leans forwards and playfully punches Cherry in the shoulder. 

"Reki." Langa warns with a scowl placed on his face.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding ..." he hesitates and leans back against his seat under Langa's intense stare. 

"You could hurt Tadashi too? I don't remember him doing anything bad." Miya points out.

"You'd also go to prison." Langa says in a monotone voice. 

"It'd be worth it though." Cherry laughs out maniacally. 

"Not really." Kojiro presses his lips into a tight line, "why is drunk Kaoru so violent?" 

"I'd kill Adam sober too." Kaoru turns and grins at Kojiro. 

"Same." Reki puts his hand up with a bright smile on his face. 

"Reki." Langa warns again.

"What? Why wouldn't you after all the things he did to you?" 

"Because I don't want to go to prison." the bluenette explains. 

"Yeah I have to side with blue slime on this. I'm only 13, I can't afford getting in trouble with the police right now." Miya shakes his head. 

"Aw you guys are no fun. How about you Shadow?" Reki asks. 

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