Sk8 infinity season 2

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AAHHHH so I found this post on instagram, (credit to sk8theinfnity)

They were quoting something a staff member said:

They were quoting something a staff member said:

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Lot's of people are theorizing that there will be a season 2 (and who wouldn't want a season 2 for this beautiful anime) because it's weird for a story as thought out as this one to be ended so abruptly and quickly.

Also so far I can say that sk8 has grown in popularity so much throughout the past few months, and there's really no reason for them not to make a season 2? Im sure theyve already made a ton of $$chaching$$

Though something im worried about is that since everything is going to be rushed, that may not leave room for more renga scenes 😀 🔫. And if they wont be a season 2, then we are left with nothing 😃

What are your guy's thoughts. 

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