Oneshot 4 ☁️

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(Longer oneshot)

3rd Person Pov:

"Langa can we buy this! It's soooo cute." Reki runs towards Langa with a human-sized stuffed animal in his arms.

"Aren't you too old for toys?" Miya teases while taking a sip of his slushy. 

Yes, the group of skaters decided to go to Disneyland for Reki's 18th birthday. So far everything has been as magical as they say, besides the grumpy old people blocking your path and small children screaming about not being able to buy something from the toy shop. 

Reki's first time going to disneyland was when he was only 6 years old, so all of his memories from back then are blurry, he forgot how big the place is and how crowded. The amount of people almost made him feel uneasy. But Langa's there to help always.

"Yeah, it is your birthday after all." Langa chuckles at the smaller boy who seemed to be on cloud nine. But I guess who wouldn't be if they were in disneyland. The two of them walk hand in hand to the register to pay for the assumed overpriced item. 

"Miya. Which one's are better; these mickey ears with the flower pot on them or goofy ears?" Higa asks.

"You're unbelievable, obviously the flower pot one. It matches you better." he answers back. "Where's Cherry and Joe?" 

"Probably off sucking faces somewhere. You know how they are." Higa rolls his eyes. He sets the flower pot ears on top of his head and views himself in the small mirror placed above the ears rack. 

"You were right, these are great." 

Miya just rolls his eyes again and ventures throughout the store to find Joe and Cherry. 


"Hey Langa?" Reki whispers. 

"Hm?" Langa sets down the mickey hat back on the shelf.

"You wanna leave them here so we can have some time by ourselves?" he grins.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?" Langa grabs his boyfriend hand and intertwines their fingers.

"I have no idea but let's go!" 

He tugs on him and they both run out of the store with happy grins printed on both of their faces, awaiting their new adventure.

"Oh Langa look! There's a big ferris wheel over there let's go." 

"Isn't that a bit cliche?" the bluenette teases.

"Soooo?" Reki whines. 

They wait a few minutes for their turn to get on the ride and once they get up to the platform, they asked for one of the non-moving carriages because the moving ones looked too scary for Reki. Langa will definitely bother him about that later.

They both sit on opposite sides of the carriage and admire the view from below them. Honestly, Reki hasn't ever been a big fan of heights, but he thought it would be cool to try this out just once. Plus Langa was there to "protect" him if anything bad seemed to happen.

"I'm surprised you wanted to go on this. I thought you were afraid of heights." Langa leans closer and ruffles the crimsonette's hair with his hand. 

"I am, but I thought this sounded fun to do with you... Besides, I'm totally over my fear." Reki tries convincing him while avoiding eye contact with the ground.

Langa blushes as the adorable sentiment, "you're too sweet Reki." 

"Wh-What? N-No it's nothing." Reki stutters. Langa chuckles at the smaller boys' nervousness and doesn't hesitate to lean forwards and captures Reki's soft lips with his; both instantly melting together. 

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