Oneshot 11 ☁️

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HEYYY here's the 3rd payment to thank you guys for 70k (Even though im over 80k but ignore that)

Requested by: Nagit0givesmeh0pe


(Fluff, fluff, & a pinch of 2nd hand embarrassment)

(Longer chapter)

3rd Person:

Beads of sweat drip down his forehead and onto the bridge of his nose as he bounces his leg up and down on the floor, making the table shake. He quickly takes his hand from his lap to wipe his face clean. 

Today is the day he's been dreading all week. It's time. 

And after this they have to go over to Langa's house and do it again. 

It's okay Reki, it's just like ripping off a band aid. Once it's off, you won't have to worry about it anymore and you can go on with your life. 

Langa seems to sense how tense his boyfriend is, so he does the only thing he can thing of, and places a calming hand on the red heads knee as a way to tell him that everything will be just fine. 

Reki, who understood the message the bluenette was trying to send, looks up at him with a small smile in return. 

Neither of the boys know their parents feelings and opinions on gay couples, so they are expecting the worse outcomes.

They've been hiding their relationship already for about 3 months, and the amount of affection, or lack of I should say, has always been kept to the minimal to avoid anyone finding out. But they're tired of hiding. 

The only other people who know's about them is Joe and Cherry, but that's not nearly enough. And besides, the only reason that they know is because they walked in on the two making out in a closet during one of the parties they attended to. 

"Langa..?" Reki nudges the other boys foot with his own, "maybe we shouldn't do this. It's too scary." 

Langa looks left to right to make sure no one is coming, and once he determines that the coast is clear, he leans down and presses his lips against Reki's temple. 

"Your mom is going to be home any minute, we can't just bail on her." he attempts to reason with him. 

"We can just said we had an emergency and had to go.." he places his hand on top of Langa's which is still resting on his knee. 

"Reki, we have to do this," his voice sounding more firm, "because then..." he pauses and places a kiss against Reki's cheekbone, "I can kiss you whenever," he kisses his nose, "or wherever," he kisses the corner of his mouth, "we want." 

Reki's entire complexion turns deep red and he nods quickly before looking back down at the floor to hide his face. 

"Nooo don't hide your face from me." Langa pleads as he moves his hands to cups around the smaller boys face and forces him to look up at him. He searches the crimson eyes and admires their beauty for a few moments in awe.

"You're so pretty~" Langa compliments.

"So are you..~" 

He leans his body up and gives the bluenette a longing-for kiss, with both of their lips moving synchronously against each other.

The best feeling...

Butterflies begin to cloud and flutter through both of their stomachs as if it was their first kiss again. 

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