Oneshot 13 ☁️

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(Prince Langa and Reki Au)

(Long-ish oneshot)

Reki's Pov:

Me and a couple other princes's and princesses sat idly in the dull dining hall, desperate for the clock to strike midnight so we could all return back to our castles. Everything about this "grand celebration" was a bust and filled with the worst royals. It was like this party was set up to fail in the end. 

Who thought it'd be a good idea to invite King Kojiro AND King Kaoru to the same party? We all know whenever that happens the world ends. 

Even if they are married, it was an unspoken but known thing throughout the neighboring countries; don't allow them to go to the same party and drink with each other. 

"Reki!" a loud voice echoed at the entrance of the dining hall. And of course, it could've only be one person.

My favorite person..

Langa, my love. 

I turned my attention over to him and he was jogging towards me in a nice white suit that looked like it fit him perfectly, almost like it was made specifically for him.. and his blue locks were tied back in a ponytail but his bangs still shaped around his pretty face--

He really did look amazing, but I wasn't allowed tell him how amazing he looks which pained me just a tad.. 

"Reki! I-I've been-" he stumbled over his own words with his sharp inhales and exhales after running through the hall, "I've been looking cough for you everywhere..." 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've just been here the whole time." I smiled and itched the back of my neck nervously. I thought he would have found me a lot sooner to be honest. 

He plopped down in the chair next to me and buried his face into my shoulder, "I.. I can't breath," his chest heaves up and down quickly as he chuckles.

"Well you shouldn't have run then dummy," I teased while simultaneously feeling a blush rise to my face because of how close he was. The hair on the top of his head was tickling the side of my neck and I held my breath. I held it because what if he moved his head away if I flinched even a little?

"But I wanted to find you," he complained, "this party is soooo awful." 

"I know.. I wish something cool would happen," I agreed. 

Not that listening to Kojiro and Kaoru getting wasted and arguing wasn't cool or anything..

I hesitated at first, but somehow I managed to gain a small amount of confidence and leaned the side of my head softly on top of his, praying that he wouldn't move away or think I'm weird. 

"Hm.." Langa thought out loud, "I have an idea."


"Yeah," he said and he got up, our heads slightly knocking together, and stood in front of me; bowed with his hand held out in front of my face, "may I have this dance, Prince Reki?" he said sappily, I believe he was trying to mock those dumb prince's in tv shows.

Did he just ask me if I can dance with him? Is this really happening to me or is my brain making things up to embarrass me now? Langa has been more outspoken lately, but I never thought he'd actually ask to do something like that with me. 

"Here?" I gulped.

"Yeah," he grinned, "why not?" 

"I don't know-" 

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