Oneshot 6 ☁️

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Heyy lovlies 🥺

This will be my first requested oneshot I've written. I hope you like it 🙏🏼

Idea credits go to the one and only: Luni-kun20

I will try my best to write it the way you described haha. 

(/!\Warning/!\ Very much fluff teehee)

(Longer chapter)

3rd Person Pov:

Reki had recently won the prize of being sent to the hospital again due to another skate boarding accident. Are we surprised? No, no we aren't. And neither was Reki himself. He, Langa, Miya, and Shadow all decided to go on a late night skate around the city of Okinawa to blow off some steam, when Reki accidentally fell off a ledge and broke his left shoulder blade. 

He tried playing it off like he was perfectly fine at first to not seem weak or incapable, but Langa could tell how much pain he was in so he forced him to go to the hospital. 

(Flashback (4 weeks prior))

 "Langa I'm perfectly fine, I just scraped it up a bit; nothing a man can't handle." Reki grins with false confidence. 

"Your shoulder is poking out in places it shouldn't be poking out. You need to go to the hospital." Langa scowls at the red headed boy who ignored his worry and began skating past them. 

"Yeah he's right Reki! You're crazy to think it's just a scrape." Miya exclaims. 

"Lalalala I can't hear you g-!" 


"Reki!" All three of the other guys shout and sprint towards the red haired boy who had just crashed into a trashcan and fallen down again.

"Reki are you okay?" Langa kneels down on the ground next to him frantically. 

"Ow.." is all he can whimper out at first, "Langa... I think I screwed up my shoulder." 

"Yeah no duh dummy." Langa chuckles. "C'mon, I'll take you to the hospital, it's not too far away from here." 

(End Flashback)

"So he's going to get his cast off?" Langa asks the doctor. 

Langa has been accompanying Reki at his doctor checkups whenever his mom wasn't able to go because of work. But of course, the stubborn red head always said he's capable going by himself, but Langa wouldn't hear it. Especially because he knew Reki would try skating to the hospital which he's been told not to do exclusively by his doctors. 

"Yes, his injury healed pretty quickly I'd say, but I advise you to not continue skating for a couple weeks Mr. Kyan. You're shoulder isn't 100% healed yet." she turns her attention towards Reki when speaking.

"Not even if I'm careful?" he complains. 

"No." She says sternly. 

She walks over to him and begins unwrapping his arm and shoulder from the cast that had been restricting his movement for a month. 

Reki winces slightly and looks out the window to distract himself. 

It's a very beautiful spring day outside, 'The best skating weather.' Reki thinks. The pink blossoming trees softly swaying in the wind and making a mess of blossoms beneath them that will surely be swept up later. Reki loves the feeling of the cool breeze brushing against his skin, it helps him feel alive. Not to mention the bright faces he gets to pass by that lighten up his soul. 

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