Chapter 12

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Dreydon's POV

She left. She's gone.

Those were the words that ran through my mind when I got back from my run. I knew she would leave but it was something about seeing her things gone, her clothes missing, that made it more real. She was serious when she said that she needed her space, that she thought we needed time apart. She wanted to be away from me. I let it sink in trying to come to terms with everything that happened.

She was hurt. I really hurt her. Bad enough to make her not want to have anything to do with me. I understood the pain she felt because I felt it too. What she didn't understand was that I felt it from the moment we met. I watched her long for another man when I was right of her. She was willing to do anything including loose her life for a man that wasn't me. She had forgotten how she didn't want me but Luca instead. The only reason she was here was because she couldn't have him. I was the mate she settled for. I was the mate she would trade for an alpha if she could.

Maybe she was right. Maybe we weren't meant to be, but my pride would never accept that fact. Whether she liked it or not she was mine and I would never let her forget it. I rather spend the rest of our lives arguing as long as she was there. She pissed me off like no other, made me made as hell nearly everytime I was in the same room as her but it was worth it. Maybe I was insane because part of me liked it. I could never be bored with her around and I planned to have her around.

Celeste was the biggest I mistake I ever made and me being out of it  was no excuse. I can't believe I slept with her. I couldn't imagine myself ever doing that high, drunk, or sober. Celeste was clingy and manipulative. She thought that if she hung around long enough I would fall for her and make her my beta female even though I told her a thousand times it would never happen. I respected her loyalty and her drive but as a person she repulsed me which is why I had to figure out exactly what happened before I could even begin to fix things with Ashley. I wouldn't loose her not over something like this. We agreed that neither of us would change and obviously it didn't go as planned since neither of is could handle it. All this time I wanted a sign, proof that she cared and I guess I got it. She wouldn't have been hurt if part of her didn't care and that part was the part worth fighting for. If there was the smallest chance I had to take it before some other male came along and I became blood thirsty. Maybe I was being possessive, hypocritical even but I didn't give a damn.

Every since I was a kid I was taught to fight for what you wanted and never to give up. Pain only last for a moment my father said but being a coward last a lifetime. You could heal physical pain but emotional scars cut deeper. So deep they sometimes never healed. I lost my parents at a point in my life where I needed them the most. When they were attacked I did everything I could to save them but it wasn't enough. For years I blamed myself thinking that if only I was stronger they would still be alive. I was sixteen and newly shifted at the time and there were so many rogues. Despite my protest they tried to protect me and when they couldn't anymore I did everything to protect them. They were injured but still breathing and through it all my mom keep screaming run until she took her last breathe. It was then my Dad decided life wasn't worth living and used the last bit of his strength to get to his feet and take a deadly blow for me when my back was turned. I blacked out after that killing I don't know how many. I was in a coma for a couple months as my body recovered but I could never escape the nightmares that haunted me. After that women became my salvation. I needed control and they gave it to me. As a beta I got any woman I chose. A different one practically every night, they made it easy. I told them what I wanted and they obliged until Ashley. She was just as dominant as I was. She talked back, she did what she wanted and she drove me insane. I had to get her back.

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