Chapter 11

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Ashley's POV

I packed the rest of my stuff and when I was done I decided to go find Jessica. Maybe she would know where a spare bedroom was around here. I took the elevator down to the bottom floor hoping I would run into her since I didn't know which room was hers. I sat in the kitchen for a while and lucky for me she walked in. I probably looked like hell and normally I wouldn't have been up so early but when you've had a night like the one I did it tends to happen.

"Ashley ummm hi. How is everything?" She probably thought I was upset about her telling Dreydon where I had gone but I didn't blame her.

"Could be better. Is there a spare bedroom around anywhere that I could use?" I really just wanted to get my things out of Dreydon's room as fast as possible and sleep.

"Ummm sure its one across the hall from ours I don't think Alpha would mind"

"Great could you show it to me?" She nodded and I knew she wanted to ask what was going on but I'm glad she didn't. I wasn't in the mood to explain. I followed her silently and paid attention so I wouldn't get lost on the way back down.

"Here it is. You need any help getting your stuff?" It couldn't hurt to have an extra set of hands. I didn't know how long Dreydon would be gone but I didn't want to run into him so the quicker the better.

"Sure" We headed back to the second floor. I walked inside and he was still gone. She helped me gather some things and after a few trips we were done.

"Thank you" I said sincerely. Even though we weren't the best of friends she was growing on me. She had a kindness about her, she sort of reminded me of Maxine in a way. I couldn't help but think of her and when we were younger, how close we used to be. We may have chosen different paths but in the end she still showed that she was truly my friend. I owed her my life even though I would never see her again. I still don't know why she let me escape and it sometimes bothered me. I tried to take everything from her but she overlooked it. She gave me a chance to live happily with my mate.  I guess the Moon Goddess had a twisted since of humor since all me and Dreydon managed to do so far was go in circles. It was like we couldn't manage to take a step forward no matter how hard we tried. We were too much alike to be paired with one another. All we did was find new ways to hurt each other.

"It was no problem. Listen I know it's none of my business but I hope you and Beta Dreydon can work whatever this is out. He's been through a lot and I was really hoping that meeting you would help him" I didn't know what to say to her. She had the wrong girl if she was thinking I could somehow fix him. I knew next to nothing about him and he wouldn't open up to me. Besides I wasn't the consoling type I wouldn't know what to say if he did.

"He wasn't always the way he is now. He was happy once. If anyone can bring that side of him back it's you" I saw hope in her eyes and it was too much for me to handle.

"You have entirely to much faith on me" She just smiled and left me with my thoughts.

I was finally alone and for the first time since I left I thought of my parents. I could never see them again and it would be dangerous to contact them. They could be accused of treason if I did since I was considered an enemy of their pack. I didn't think I would miss them so much but I did, a lot. I even missed the looks they gave me when I came downstairs in one of my signature outfits. My Dad would he furious and my Mom appauled but they knew it was just me being me. I missed school, my friends even though most of them were fake. I would have to take the rest of my classes online soon so I could get my diploma. I sighed deeply thinking of now much things had changed in such a short time. I didn't know what would happen now that I really was all alone. As much as I hated to admit it Dreydon had been my security. He made me feel safe and now that things were so messed up I wasn't sure if I could count on him for that protection anymore. He would probably run to Celeste again now that things were falling apart between us. I pushed the thought out of my mind as I finally drifted off to sleep.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now