Chapter 2

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Ashley's POV

"Dreydon what the fuck did you just do" I said not believing he just knocked a guy out cold. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer so that my chest was against his. I shivered slightly from the tingles and how sexy he looked at that moment.

"I thought I made it clear there would be no more of your bullshit when I agreed I bring you with me. You did that shit to piss me off. Don't play games with me baby you won't like how it ends. Now pick up your damn bags"

Him walking away leaving me speechless was becoming a habit, one I was determined to break. I would show him he didn't own me. I wasn't the type to be controlled not even by my mate. I picked up my bags wanting nothing more than to slap Dreydon which I was positive I would be doing soon enough if he kept this up. I followed him until we reached a car, a really nice car. I was use to luxury so it didn't phase me.

He opened the doors and put his stuff in the trunk without giving me a second glance. I threw my stuff in and made my way to the passenger side.

"Such a gentleman you can't even hold the door open" I said under my breath.

"I'll be a gentleman when you become a lady" the scarcasm in his tone didn't go unnoticed.

"Fuck you Dreydon"

"Later" I was so annoyed I wanted to scream. Although I had to admit I would never turn down a opprotuinity to have him, he was definitely blessed in that area and boy could he give a girl an orgasm.

I took about an hour for us to get where we were going. Looking around it was clear Spain was definitely different from the States. The only other place I had travelled to out of the country was Paris, France and that was only for shopping. I was never one to admire scenery but I was so beautiful and different I couldn't look away.

He parked the car in front of a large ancient looking mansion. I found myself memorized by the way it seemed to hold so much history. I had never seen anything like it and I found myself thinking living here wouldn't be so bad. The alpha here was definitely rich which meant Dreydon had plenty of money as well. I smiled at that thought. I had always been rich and I was glad that wasn't about to change.

He got out of the car and I did the same. I figured he would show me around but he just leaned against the car.

"Go inside. Rosalita will meet you at the door and show you around. I'll be in in a minute" he lit a cigarette and I made my way to the door. Before I could open it a middle aged woman with a kind face ushered me inside.

"Nice to meet you I'm Rosalita. I'll give a tour and then show you to your room"

I followed her and couldn't help but notice everything around me. The inside was more beautiful than the outside, everything was so detailed and gorgeous.

"This is the dining room, on the right is one of the kitchens. There are four full bathrooms and eight bedrooms on this floor that are mostly used for guest. The house has six floors in all and the elevator is to your left. This door is leads to the stairway" she kept talking but I wasn't really listening. Soon enough I started to get bored with all the looking around and I really just wanted to get to my room.

"This is the fifth floor or as we call it the Beta's quarters. There are four large bedrooms on this floor, a private kitchen and entertainment area, as well as four full bathroms. Only certain members are allowed up here at the Beta's request" I found that very interesting. Dreydon obviously was a very valuable Beta and also very secretive. At the very end of the hallway was what I assumed was a room. The difference was it had a black door while the rest of the doors were white.

"What does that door lead?" I asked curiously. The obvious answer would have been Dreydon's room but I knew that wasn't the case. His room was the one at the opposite end of the hall right in front of it. I knew because I smelt him the strongest there but something told me he spent quite a bit of time in the other room as well.

"That door is always locked. No one is allowed to enter it, not even to clean. Beta Dreydon is said to conduct private buisness there but no one asks or knows for sure"

I didn't know what to think about what she had just explained. All I knew was that for some reason I was drawn to that door.

"Thank you Rosilta I'll take it from here" Dreydon had appeared all of a sudden breaking me out of thoughts. His natural scent as well as the stale smell of smoke almost had me quivering with need. The way he looked at me so intensely made me feel something strange and I wasn't sure I liked it.

"You'll be staying with me. It's not up for debate" he turned to go to his room and I followed him. It was painted blue and black with a bed that has to be custom made since it was larger than a king size and very strudy. Thinking of everything we could do in it almost had be squeezing my legs together. He froze and I knew he must have smelt me, I wasn't the least bit shy or embarrassed. I glad he could smell me because he knew exactly what I wanted.

He walked over to me and gently pushed me to the wall behind me.

"What's got you so hot and bothered?" he whispered in my ear. "Are you thinking about all the ways I could fuck you in that bed? All the ways I could have you screaming my name as I make you cum over and over again. Is that what you want? Right here, right now? You want me to fuck my pussy until she can't take anymore?" I nodded not being able to speak. I was so wet, so in need. I has never felt like this before. What was he doing to me?

"Lay down on the bed"

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now