Chapter 18

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Ashley's Pov

When I opened my eyes I was convinced I had been dreaming but the warm body next to me reassured me that wasn't. Dreydon was still by my side and the peacefulness of his expression mirrored the way I felt in that moment. I allowed myself to stare and really take in his features. He really was perfect in every way and he was mine.

"Stare as long as you like I don't mind" he said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I wasn't staring" I lied and he smirked. His eyes stayed closed and I knew he was enjoying himself, the arrogant bastard.

"And you're lying. When you lie your voice goes up just an octave and you blink twice. Your heart rate speeds up slightly and you talk faster" I looked at him lost for words. Was I that obvious? He barely knew me but at times it was like he saw right through me, like knew me better then I knew myself.


"Looking for me?" a deep voice said. I felt chills and knew it had to be him.

"Maybe. And if i was?"

"Then you found me. So what do you want? Your 'mate' to busy for you or did you just miss me?" I rolled my eyes irritated. Did he have to be such and ass? Albeit a fine one.

"Can we go somewhere and talk? It's kind of important"

His expression changed to one of concern and then anger which I didn't understand.

"My room. Upstairs. Now"

I followed him silently not knowing what to expect.

We got on the elevator and went down a few hallways before he took out his key card and scanned it opening the door to his room.

He held the door open and I walked in. He closed it and turned to me. His arms were crossed and he was staring like he was searching for something. I had to admit I was a little intimidated.

"Tell me what this is all about. I know this has something to do with him or you wouldn't be here. You sure as hell didn't come to declare you undying love for me so what the hell did you do" he demanded.

I was shocked to say the least. He barely knew me but he could read me like a book. It wasn't fair.

"Why the hell did you assume it was something I did? Why couldn't it be I came to talk to you about us? Work on whatever it is we have so I could have some chance at happiness? Why is it so hard for you to shut up and listen sometimes instead of acting like you know me?" I said outraged.

"Why the hell is it so hard for you to admit the damn truth? You can play victim all you want but we both know it's a lie. Admit it. Shit didn't go the way you planned and you came running to me. What the fuck were you expecting? A welcome back present?"

End of Flashback

The memory played in my mind like it was yesterday. It was the first time someone had spoken to me that way, the first time someone made me admit that I had been wrong. I remember feeling like I was put on trial and he was the judge about to sentence me. When he took me with him it was like he had given me life, a second chance to start over and right my wrongs even though at the time I only saw it as an escape. It hadn't been long ago but I felt like so much had changed since then, like I had changed.

"Don't worry you aren't that obvious everyone else. Just know that you can never lie to me" he said kissing my cheek and bringing me back to the present. He got out of bed and I felt cold without him. Something I couldn't remember ever feeling before. I wasn't sure if it was the bond getting stronger or something more as I watched him make his way to the shower.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now