Chapter 13

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Ashley's POV

Waking up alone felt both strange and refreshing. Strange because normally I would want someone there. I can't count how many times I woke up only to find the guy I was with had disappeared. But today I didn't feel lonely or deserted. I just felt well rested. Maybe with everything going on this was just what I needed, a moment to myself.

The problem was I didn't know what to do with the free time now that I had it. I wasn't a book worm so reading wasn't an option. I was more of a free spirit type and I craved a bit of excitement. Letting life pass me by just wasn't who I was. I got out of bed, showered and got dressed. I straightened my hair and did my makeup before heading to the kitchen. I really needed a car or something because this in house stuff just wasn't working.

When I got there everyone was practically done eating. It was Saturday so there were unknown people everywhere. I took a random seat since I didn't see anyone I knew.

"Hey gorgeous" a random guy said taking seat next to me.

"Hey" I said smiling flirtatiously. What can I say it's a habit. He smiled back and he was handsome with his light brown hair and green eyes.

"I don't we've met. I will have definitely remember a pretty face like yours" Obviously he wasn't at the party and didn't know Dreydon was my mate or he would have been running for the hills.

"I could say the same although pretty isn't the word I would have used. I'm Ashley"


"Well nice to meet you Dante"

"The pleasure is all mine. So tell me Ashley what is a beautiful woman such as yourself doing setting alone?" This guy was really a piece of work. He was really turning on the charm.

"Well I really know many people around here"

"You don't seem like the shy type" The way he said seemed like there was an underlying meaning.

"Not really no"

"What do you say we get to know each other a little better. Maybe I could show you around. Give you the full tour. I promise to make the experience worth your while" He was whispering in my ear and as he got closer there was no denying what he was implying. Being who I am I was tempted to take him up on his offer especially given recent events. I didn't owe Dreydon anything and who could blame me for relieving some stress after the week I've had. I was most definitely frustrated in every possible way and here was the perfect opportunity. Part of me was screaming do it while the other half was telling me I would regret it.  I knew he would feel it, the pain in his chest, the ache in his heart and it would drive him insane. I wanted him to feel that pain, the same pain I felt when he was with her. At the same time I knew it was wrong. It wouldn't change things, only make them worse, the guilt would consume me and I woud be no better then him. But would it even matter? I wasn't sure we would make it the way we were going anyway.

"So what do you say baby?" He held out his hand and I debated on whether or not I should take it. I looked into his eyes and I made my decision.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now