Chapter 27

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Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse they did. Out of the all the possible outcomes that my mind could have conjured nothing could have prepared me for this. Never would I have guessed that an alpha would place his own beta on trial for treason. Beta, a term that means the second in command, the alpha's right hand man and best friend, known for being the most loyal to the pack. It is a position of honor and respect, one that Dreydon took seriously. He risked his life for this pack, he was one of the most loyal betas I had ever met. Why would Liam even think he would ever betray him? I could understand him having his reservations about me. I was new, I hadn't been accepted into the pack, he didn't know me at all. But Dreydon? I didn't know what their relationship was like. I didn't know how long they had been friends or if they had much of a history. But I didn't need to know any of that to know that my mate was innocent. I didn't need to know anything other than the fact that Mitchell was the one to blame.

"You can't do this Liam. Dreydon is your beta. He risked his life for this pack and you're going to accuse him of betraying it without any proof? You've lost it. If you can't trust your own beta you trust no one, and if you trust no one, not even your most loyal pack member, you don't deserve to be alpha" The look he gave me was enough to make me realize that he was insanely powerful and could kill me with little effort. Like Luca he was a pure blood and their strength was incredible. I could sense his wolf right below the surface and it scared the shit out of my wolf but I wouldn't back down.

"You dare question my position? You dare tell me I don't deserve my title? I have all the evidence I need to take you and your pathetic excuse for a mate to trial. At first I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't accept that someone had betrayed me but when I discovered it was my own beta you have no idea the rage I felt. I was blinded by my trust in him and it got members of my pack killed"

"What the hell are you talking about? What evidence?"

"You want to play games? Fine. Let's play. All of the murders happened while he was on patrol. He disappeared for hours at a time without a trace before and after each one. Can you explain that? No? Let's continue. When I asked his opinion about any possible unsecured areas he left three more vulnerable. The same three areas that allowed the rogues to break through. Was that a mistake? Error in judgment? Or what about the fact that just now while we were being attacked he busy trying to attack another pack member?"

He was lying. He had to be. None of it was making any sense. Dreydon would never attack a pack member and he certainly wouldn't have purposely left three areas vulnerable to an attack. How the hell did Mitchell manage to do so much damage and what did Dreydon know that I didn't? I had to talk to him. I had to make some sense of this. It was all becoming too complicated. I needed him to heal. I needed him to wake up so that we could sort this whole thing out.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now