Chapter 28

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Hi guys here is another chapter and I have say I think this one of my longer ones. It takes place right before everything goes down with Ashley and Mitchell. Feel free to revisit the last chapter if you're a little lost I know its been a while I will try to update more frequently. We are nearing the end but we're not there yet so bare with me. I love you all and thanks for being such amazing fans. 

Dreydon's Pov

The border seemed secure, to everyone but me. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Knowing that there we had a traitor in our mist was something that just didn't sit well with me. I racked my brain trying to figure out who it could be and most importantly why. One thing we took pride in our pack was tying up loose ends. We kept track of anyone who had been banished, anyone who might have been affected by something as simple as disagreement to the level of rejection. I knew first hand because it was my job to regulate such situations,make sure that anyone considered a threat was taken care of. It wasn't my favorite job but it was necessary.  I tried to avoid killing at all cost but on rare occasions it couldn't be helped. 

The question of who could have a grudge against the pack brought several old enemies to mind but none with a motive. Without motive, there was no crime. As much as I hated to admit it I knew that it was a strong possibility that Ashley was a crucial piece to the puzzle. The fact that the attacks didn't start until she arrived couldn't be ignored. I had no doubt that she had made some enemies in her former pack. Mi amor was no saint and she had left a trail of broken hearts to prove it, damn she was perfect. 

I never knew how amazing having a mate could be, how much they truly completed you and made you whole. She was undoubtedly the best thing that ever happened to me despite all the things we went through. I never thought I could love again, I accepted the fact that I was beyond redemption. All of the fucked up things that happened in my life, all the pain I caused was enough to make me believe that I deserved nothing less than pain and misery. When I first met her I was sure the Moongoddess purposely cursed me. She paired me with someone so beautiful knowing that she would never be truly mine. Now everything is different and I still have a hard time believing its real. But one thing is certain, I will never regret fucking her the very first time and telling her she was mine. I will never regret putting her on that plane when I could have left her. I will never regret punching the shit out of the guy who she flirted with to make him carry her bags or damn near killing the fucker who touched her as she moved her body so sensually against his that night in the club. She would forever be mine and I would never let her forget it. Now I had to figure out how to keep her safe, I had to find a way to make sure she was in no danger and her past stayed her past. I wouldn't let who she was stop her from becoming the woman I knew she would one day become. I understand now that what she really needed was me. Someone who would without hesitation give his last breathe if it meant she could be happy. She needed the love only a true mate could give and I needed the same. 

I decided I would do one last perimeter check before heading to the office. I would search every document and file until I found a solid lead. There had to be a lead somewhere and time was starting to run out. The more time we wasted the more lives would be lost and I couldn't let that happen. I know Liam was under a lot of stress and with a pregnant mate it would only be a matter of time before he snapped and started acting irrationally. The thought of his mate being in danger would unhinge him especially with him being a pure blood. This was why I was chosen as beta. Someone had to think clearly and remain sane otherwise we all could end up in danger of our own alpha. On my way back I saw Celeste. Thinking of what she did to me, what she almost cost me, was enough to piss me off. I should have banished her but I felt like I was partly to blame. I used her constantly knowing that I would never give her what she truly wanted. Luckily she managed to stay out of my and Ashley's way so I had't given her a second thought. But something about the way she was acting seemed strange. She also had a grudge against Ashley, maybe even me which gave her motive. I didn't want to accuse her and it was a long shot but at this point I ruled no one out. The direction she was headed and the way she kept looking around around suspiciously was enough to make me follow her. If I was right I would have a solid lead and then I could end these attacks. If I was wrong at least I could rule her out. 

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