Chapter 30

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Hi guys. Here is the next chapter. Surprise surprise ;)

Luca's Pov

I sat at my desk looking at the maps that had been secretly consuming me for months now. My wife, my children, and my pack were the most important things in the world to me and there was only one threat to them. The bastard that got away, Mitchell.

I vowed that I would find him, end this threat to the family and my pack once and for all. If I learned anything over the years it is to tie up loose ends, never leave anything undone. Maxine had no idea what I was up to. She didn't know that most of my time was spent trying to figure out where he could have escaped to.

He was loyal to Devin so I knew that it was only a matter of time before he plotted his revenge and came for me. I had to be ready when the time came. Everyone else was in a state of bliss. They were happy and more or less had forgotten. They felt protected, that any danger or threat to their safety had been eliminated. I wanted to keep it that way. I wanted to end this before it even began, but I was running into dead ends.

None of the alphas within a thousand foot radius had seen him or experienced any trouble with rogues. There were no strange deaths, no attacks, no leads. With nothing to go on it was hard to put the pieces together, but I would. Eventually I would figure it out. There had to be a link somewhere, I was simply overlooking it.

I pulled out the pack documents. They contained all the information on every pack member and their relationships. Nobody really had a strong connection to him since his parents that had been killed. Him and Devin had been like brothers but other than that he was simply the beta to everyone else, except Ashley. She of course had a different kind of relationship with him that I had yet to look into. I didn't want to contact her but if things continued the way they were I would have no choice. I knew where she was, I knew Maxine let her go. I also that her mate was Liam's beta and he helped her escape. It didn't take long to put that part together since Liam had a mate and the beta, Dreydon, I think his name was seemed to be interested in her. I was a little upset when Maxine told me what she had done but also a little relieved. Ashley betrayed the back and if she stayed I would have had no choice but to try her for treason. I wasn't her biggest fan and what she did was unforgivable working with Devin, but if Maxine could forgive her then I would respect that. I could have gone after her, made them return her but I was content with never seeing her again. I never really wanted her dead. As mixed up as she was I couldn't see her seeking revenge or killing so she wasn't a threat. Now as it turns out I may just need her help.

Just as I was contemplating my options the phone rang.

"Luca I need your help on something."

It was Liam on the other line.

"What is it?"

"What do you know about a beta named Mitchell?"

I leaned back in my chair. After all this time I may finally get the lead I was hoping for.

"He's the beat of the alpha who tried to destroy me. Why? And don't bullshit me I know she's there"

I had a feeling whatever he was about to tell me involved Ashley. I knew he was probably trying to leave her out of it since she was mated to his beta but that wasn't my concern at the moment.

"Someone has betrayed me. I think it's her and Dreydon. They are both about to be tried for treason. She claims she saw this Mitchell person and helped him come up with the whole idea to take over my pack but I have my doubts. She says she loves him, that she was cheating on Dreydon the whole time in order to help him. I don't know what to think. If you help me I will return her personally. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner. I just want this done with. I will not have a threat to my mate and family in my pack. Do what you will with her."

He thought his own beta betrayed him. Ashley was on trial for treason. What the hell was going on?

"I need to talk to her."

"Do you think she's capable to something like that? Do you think she'd be working with this Mitchell? I'm going crazy here all the signs point to Dreydon and if he turns out the be innocent after all of this-"

"Just let me talk to her and see what she says. I can't tell you if your beta betrayed you but anything dealing with Mitchell I need to know"


Five minutes later I heard her voice.

"Tell me everything."

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now