Chapter 9

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Dreydon's POV

I was running patrol with Ashley on my mind. She had been acting strange all day and I knew she was keeping something from me. The way she pretended like nothing was going on this morning with Jessica, the way she seemed so comfortable and flirty with Shane and Derek, I couldn't stand it. She seemed different and not in a good way. The worst part was I knew I was partly to blame. I had given her the green light to do whatever she wanted because of my pride. But I was determined not to fall for her, not until she fell first. It was crazy but Ashley was a dangerous woman, deadly even. Her body, her demeanor was unmatched and any man could fall victim.

I made my last round and headed back to my room where I knew she would be, waiting for me. I was glad she was so dependent on me and hardly knew anyone, I could keep her to myself. When I walked in the room she was gone. Her scent wasn't as strong so she had been gone awhile, maybe a few hours. My wolf immediately went on the defense at the thought of her being taken from us. I didn't smell any other scents around but there had to be a reason. She wouldn't have left me, that I was sure of that. She wasn't the running type. She was bold and stood her ground which is why she constantly pissed me off. Damn I needed to find her.

I ran into Jessica on my way down the stairs. She normally stayed up late waiting on Jake to come home.

"Have you seen Ashley?" I asked her getting to the point.

"No" I could smell her fear and I knew she was lying. She knew where she was and I got the feeling I wasn't going to like it.

"Don't lie to me where is my mate" She looked down at her feet and I could see the conflict within. She didn't want to betray Ashley's trust but she couldn't disobey a direct order.

"She's at the party" she said quickly and she looked closed to tears. A party, she went to a fucking party. I stormed out the house knowing exactly where she was. I should have figured it out sooner. It explained everything.

When I walked into the club there she was laughing, drinking, dancing. Men were all over her touching her body sensually and she did nothing to stop it. She seemed like she was enjoying it. I couldn't take it watching her like that, seeing her with other men. It drove me crazy and made my wolf crave the blood of every male who dared touch her.

The next thing I knew I was holding Shane by the throat, enjoying the way his skin paled as the life drained out of him from lack of air. My wolf was in control of my actions but at the moment we were on the same page.

"Hey Drey what are you doing here? What are you doing to Shane?" Her voice pulled me out of my trance. It calmed like nothing else could. She had my focus, nothing else mattered. One look at her and I dropped Shane, he was no longer important.

"I'm taking you home you're drunk" I said grabbing her by the wrist.

"No I want to stay" she tried to pull away but I wouldn't let her.

"You're coming with me. Now" I didn't have time for her games. I picked her up and carried her out of the club. She protested but I just ignored her. I was beyond pissed and I fought the urge to give in and punish her my own way.

We made it back to my room and I put her down.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" Despite my anger she didn't flinch from my town or back away from me. In fact it seemed so sober her some.

"I was partying what did it look like"

"It looks like you had random guys all over you that's what it looked like" I was so frustrated with her and her attitude.

"So what?" That did it.

"So what? So what? I come home and you're gone. I didn't know where you were and when I find you I see some guys hands all over you and you doing nothing to stop him. You're my mate" She was reckless, she didn't even realize the danger she put herself in. The least she could of done is told me where she going instead of hiding it.

"Now you want to act like mates?" That statement took me by surprise even though I should have saw it coming.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I'm tired Dreydon. I can't take it anymore. One minute you act like you don't give a damn about me and the next you're all possessive. Do you want me or not?" Of course I wanted her, how could I not? The problem was she clearly wasn't ready to commitment and until she was I would never admit it.

"Were you going you fuck him?" I needed her to say no. To tell me that I would be the only male she would be with from this point forward.

"What?" She was caught of guard. She wasn't expecting me to ask her that but I had to know.

"You heard me were you going to fuck him if I didn't show up" She hesitated and I had my answer. She hadn't changed at all and I was positive that she would have ended up sleeping with someone. She got a thrill having all the men wrapped around her finger and she used it to her advantage. She craved the attention and would do anything for it. Knowing what could have happened made me angrier than I could have ever been. My claws extended and I left the room not wanting to hurt her. I ran for an hour trying to calm myself down but nothing was working. I needed something to get my mind off her, anything. I found myself at nearby bar. I don't know how much alcohol I drank but it wasn't enough. I smoked countless cigarettes but they did nothing so I smoked something stronger. By that point I was out of it and was making my way home in a daze. I took the elevator and when I stepped off I heard a voice.

"Drekie" I knew who it was because that stupid ass nickname made me cringe.

"What do you want Celeste?" I didn't bother looking at her but she was persistent as always.

"I was at the club tonight. I saw what happened I only want to make you feel better" she said with a pout.

"Get the hell away from me" I just wanted to clear my head.

"Come on baby don't be like that. She's a whore and you know it. She's never going to love you. She'll never change. She's going to keep opening her legs for whatever guy comes along and you'll end up hurt. I'm just trying to protect you"

"Shut up she's my mate and you won't disrespect her" I grabbed her by the throat. No one insulted my mate.

"You know I like it rough" she said smirking. I let her go. This was exactly what she wanted and I was falling for it. I was walking away when her words caught my attention. "Come baby. You and me we can be together. She doesn't understand you like I do. She doesn't have to know. Just one night it'll be like old times" she started kissing my neck and I pushed her away.

"I don't want you anymore"

"And she doesn't want you" Images of her with those men flashed through my mind. I couldn't get the thought of her with them out of my head. I didn't even feel as Celeste unzipped my pants and took me into her mouth. I was in a daze as the words she doesn't want you played over and over like a broken record. The alcohol and drugs in my system were messing with my head.

"Come on let's take this inside" she said pulling me into the room I both loved and loathed. It was dark and full of memories and was my only escape. At that moment I needed to escape so I let her guide me knowing it was wrong. The only thing I remembered from that point on was her handing me bottle after bottle until I passed out. When I came to she was next to me and I felt disgusted. I couldn't remember if I slept with her or not but from the looks of it I had. The thought of it made we want to vomit. I was pissed at myself and the situation but I wasn't myself last night. I didn't handle things with Ashley well and I was man enough to admit that. My head was pounding and I needed to get away from Celeste. I needed to see Ashley, let her know exactly what happened last night. I wouldn't blame it on the alcohol or tell her the drugs made me do it. I would be real with her and let her know that I fucked up. The truth was part of me wanted her to feel something even if it was pain. If she showed any emotion it meant she cared and I needed to know that more than anything. I didn't know if it would change things between us but there was no other option. I threw on my clothes not really caring what I looked like. I needed a shower and then I would face my mate. When I opened the door it was too late. She was standing there looking at me and I would give anything to know the thoughts running through her mind.

"Ashley" She didn't say a word. I heard the clicking of heels before I felt Celeste wrap her arms around my waist. I watched as Ashley frantically hit the elevator button. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I looked at her face.

"Get the fuck off me" I said to Celeste before screaming here name. She didn't stop, she didn't look back as she walked inside and I didn't chase her.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now