Chapter 3

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Ashley's POV

I did as he said practically running to the bed.


I almost tripped over my dress trying to get it off. I couldn't explain why I was anxious. He just did things to my body I couldn't put into words. They say that nothing can compare to having sex with your mate and I'm positive they were right. Not that I would admit it.

"You know you pissed me off earlier. I should punish you for that" I wanted him to punish me. I wanted him to do things to me that I only dreamed of.

"Spread your legs" I did as I was told and I couldn't hold back the moan when he started to touch me.

"This belongs to me and only me. She's mine to do with as I please and I don't share. Do you understand" He begin to rub me in a circular motion keeping a fast pace. His touch was amazing I nodded unable to speak but it wasn't good enough.

"I said do you understand" he put to fingers inside of me hitting the spot he knew would have me climaxing in minutes. I whimpered so close to an orgasm.

"Say it" he said removing his fingers.

"Drey please. I understand. It's yours just-" I was in such a daze I couldn't think straight.

He smirked and just as he was about to finish what he started a woman walked into the room. I quickly cover myself as she invited herself in. She was blonde, but not a natural since I could see her brown roots. She was dressed in a white dress that looked three sizes to small with fake Double D breast. Her heels were made for a stripper and for some reason I loathed her.

"Drekie where have you been I missed you. Oh you have company" she was completely fake from her tone to the cheap knock offs on her feet.

"Celeste what are you doing here" The way he looked at her really pissed me off. There was something between them and I knew it. I watched countless men look at me the same way when they found a girlfriend or a mate.

"I heard you were back I just wanted to see how you were doing. Maybe we could get together later you've been gone a while. I'm lonely" she fake pouted and I gave Dreydon a what the fuck look.

"Um I'm sorry Silicone is it? You and Dreydon won't be getting together. Later or ever. Whatever you two had going on was over the moment he met me. And if it wasn't obvious we were kind of in the middle of something so feel free to exit the way you came" she looked at me and laughed.

"Oh sweetie you poor thing. Did he tell you that you were special or something, that you two would always be together because let me tell you its really pathetic if you believed that. He has a new play thing practically every week and he disposes of them. I on the other hand am the one woman he always comes back to. I watch the rest of them come and go so finding you in his bed doesn't phase me. I've been where you are and I'll be there again once he's done with you "

She was arrogant and conceited but she had no idea who she was dealing with.

"Oh I can assure you that he will never be done with me but it's cute that you think you stand a chance against his true mate. Unlike the others he will always and forever be mine. You'll just have to learn to deal with the loss"

I didn't bother to hide my smirk as her whole demeanor changed. I knew she wasn't expecting to here that and even though I was far from loving Dreydon and he was far from loving me I wasn't bout to let anyone take him away from me. She looked at Dreydon and he didn't deny it. She composed herself before replying.

"Well we'll just have to see about that won't we. Later Drekie"

She walked out and I was beyond furious. I wasn't the jealous type since I could have any man I wanted but I was possessive and Dreydon was mine.

"Who the fuck was she?" I said furiously. I couldn't believe he didn't say anything. He didn't even bother to kick her out.

"Why? Are you jealous?" He was amused and I couldn't stand it but I wouldn't let him know just how much it got to me.

"No. Of course not. Why would I be? She doesn't have a thing on me" I said moving closer to him. I knew he felt the tingles as I pushed my breast up against his shoulder. I knew he felt the tingles and me being naked only made it more intense.

"You were sure acting jealous" he voice had dropped a few octaves and I knew he was trying to control himself. This was about dominance, control, and will power. Neither of us wanted to admit to the other how we felt. We were at odds with ourselves and our wolves not wanting to be subjected to catching feelings or being vulnerable.

"Just like you were acting jealous earlier when you punched that guy for carrying my bags" I knew I had him right where I wants him and he knew.

"Point taken"

I smiled and he got throwing my clothes at me.

"Get dressed"

"But -" I didn't want to get dressed. I wanted my release especially since that tramp had the nerve to come and ruin the moment.

"I have patrol and you're going to stay with Jessica until I come back"

"Who?" I didn't know any of these people or anything about this pack.

"She's mated to Jason the thrid in command" he explained.

"How long will you be gone?" I questioned making him smile. He was even more gorgeous as he flashed his pearly straight white teeth. It was the first genuine smile I had ever seem on his face.

"Why? You going to miss me?" The truth was I would but being who I am I wasn't about to admit it.

"Do have to be so arrogant it was just a question like don't make everything about you" I said throwing a pillow at him which he caught easily.

"Two maybe three hours and just so you know it's never about me" I wanted to ask what that meant but I decided against it as I dressed and followed him to the stairs. We walked silently and a couple was waiting for us when we reached the bottom. The guy wasn't bad looking and by the looks of the girl I didn't think we would be getting along. She seemed overly happy and she gave off a book worm vibe.

"Hi I'm Jessica" she said with a bubbly tone. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. This was going to be the longest three hours of my life.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now