Chapter 22

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Alpha Liam's Pov

"Jason I need a report now" I said through mindlink. My office was destroyed, I was beyond furious. My tone was enough for Jason to sense my frustration and he was standing in front of me in less then sixty seconds.

"What the hell happened? I thought I made it clear to never let another damn rogue into my territory" my teeth were clenched and my knuckles were chalk white from lack of circulation do to my balled up fists. Two of my members had been killed and they happened to be two of my best warriors. Now I had two ceremonies to conduct in their honor in addition to their funerals. Not to mention the fact that as alpha it was my job to break the news their families. Both of them were mateless and it just made things worse considering that someone out there would be forced to wonder around feeling incomplete. It was times like this when being a leader was extremely difficult. Everyone counted on you when a life was lost and you felt like a failure. 

"I don't know alpha. We've done everything that you've instructed. All the perimeters were secure. There was no way anyone could have gotten in without help from a member" I refused to believe that someone had betrayed us by helping a rogue. There had to be some other explanation I didn't want to assume the worst. I had to find out who was behind this and fast before another life was lost. The situation was getting out of hand. If it turns out we had been betrayed I would deal with the issue then but I wasn't going to start accusing people of treason. Whoever it was would no doubt be killed it was just a matter of discovering whose blood would be on my hands. I just hoped it wouldn't be a member. 

"Get Dreydon. I don't care what he's doing tell him to report to me immediately this can not wait. No one sleeps tonight until I have a solid lead. This happened on your shift I am holding you personally responsible. After you inform Dreydon gather all the trackers. You better hope they find something because if the don't be prepared for punishment" 

"Yes alpha" he left without another word. 

"Honey what's wrong?" my mate mate said coming through the door. She sensed my distress but I needed her not to worry.

"Nothing love. Everything is fine" I said kissing her forehead. It was amazing how just her presence was enough to calm me. 

"You're lying" she said giving me a glare. She knew me so well. I just couldn't tell her the truth. I couldn't tell her the pack was in danger. I knew that these attacks were personal. Whoever behind this was after something. They were taunting me, trying to send a message. These were not random attacks but there was no way in hell I was telling her that. I wouldn't cause her any stress, not when she was pregnant with our child. The pack doctors had informed us that she was high risk this time around and even though everything appeared to be fine I wasn't taking any chances. 

"You shouldn't be on your feet love you need to rest" I said kissing her hand and bringing her closer so she could sit in my lap. 

"I couldn't rest. I know something is wrong. Why won't you tell me?" she hated when I kept things from her but it was for her own good. 

"I'm taking care of it. Just go back to bed and get some rest. Jason should be back any minute. We're having a meeting. I'll be up as soon as it's over and I take care of a few things" She was reluctant but thankfully she obeyed. I had to catch whoever was behind these attacks before things got worse. The last thing I needed was a war with my mate in this condition. The thought of someone infiltrating our pack and getting close enough to cause her and our children harm was enough to make me want destroy any and everyone within reach. 

"Alpha you sent for me" Dreydon walked. My back was turned and I was lost in thought. 

"I'm guessing you've been informed. Gabriel and Raphael are dead"

"Yes. Jason told me" 

"I want to know how. How the hell did this happen? Any ideas? Theories? No? Anyone?" I turned to face him and by that time Jason and the others had shown up. I could sense them coming so I addressed them all. 

"No alpha" they all replied in unison. 

"Well someone better come up with a fucking explanation because I will not loose another pack member" They were all silent. 

"Trackers you are dismissed. You have one hour to come back with something useful. Jason I suggest you join them for your own sake. Dreydon do your fucking job and make sure they are no more screw ups while I visit two grieving families and plan two funerals. Your luna has not been told and I expect her to remain uninformed until I see fit. When I get back I expect answers. Whoever is behind this needs to be found as soon as possible. Now all of you get the hell out of here" 

Unknown Pov

I watched in amusement as the pack members squirmed. They had no idea I was lurking right under their noses. Killing those two warriors had been easy enough. Now I had the alpha's attention. 

"I told you it would work" my mate was the best. She helped me with everything. I would have been discovered and probably dead if it wasn't for her. Little did she know I had little use for her once this was over. She was fun, the sex was great, but after this she would be worthless. I needed a proper luna to help me run the pack and she simply wouldn't do. Then person I desired needed ambition to match my own. They had to be someone who was willing to do whatever it took in order to gain power and I knew the perfect person. My mate was smart but she was too weak, to submissive for my taste. 

"Yes sweetheart you did excellent getting me those blueprints and schedules. I knew I could count on you" She looked at me with lust and I kissed her. She wanted to fuck, I could smell it. Being the good mate that I was I had no problem giving her what she needed but I was getting a bit bored since that's basically all we did. She noticed my lack of enthusiasm and pouted. 

"What's wrong" she said giving me a confused look. Normally I would have jumped her, pounded her rough and hard while imaging she was someone else, the one I truly desired to be by my side. 

"I know what will cheer you up. What if I told you I could speed up the process" she bit her lip and massaged my cock through my jeans. That got my attention. 

"How so?" I was curious what else she had up her sleeve. The faster I took over the pack the better. I kissed her neck and took her breast into my hand waiting her to tell me more. She started to moan and I knew I had her right where I wanted her. 

"Frame the beta"

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now