The DeLorean

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I cover my ears as the clocks start going off. 12:35.

Shit, I'm late... I grab my skateboard, the camera that dad asked for, put my jacket on and go to Twin Pines Mall.

'Einstein, hey buddy.' I hear Marty say, he's kneeling down next to Einstein, but quickly gets up when the back of the truck opens. 'Wow...'
'Wow indeed.' I look at it in awe.
'What? Huh? Oh, hey Y/n.' He glances over at me and then back at the DeLorean that rolls out of the truck.

'Dad!' I smile as my father steps out of the car.
'Y/n! Marty! You made it!'
'Yeah!' Marty and I exclaim.
'Welcome to my latest experiment! This is the one I've been waiting for all of my life!' Dad smiles proudly.
'So this is why you got the DeLorean!' I look at the car and then at my father.
'Step aside, kids. All of your questions will be answered!' Marty and I exchange glances, but do as he says. 'Y/n, roll the tape and we'll proceed!' I grab the camera and start filming.

'Is that a- Is that a Devo suit?' Marty asks.
'Don't mind that now! Don't mind that!' My dad says.
'Ready?' I ask my dad, he gives me a nod and starts talking.

'Good evening. I'm Dr. Emmet Brown, I'm at the Twin Pines Mall parking lot. It's Saturday morning, October 26, 1985, 01:18 AM.' Marty looks at his watch. 'And this is temporal experiment number 1.' He walks over to Einstein and rushes him in the car. 'Come on Einie! Get in there! In you go! Good boy!' He puts the seatbelt over Einstein and continues to talk. 'Sit down, put your seatbelt on! That's it!' I sit down on 1 knee besides them and film how my dad puts a timer around Einstein's neck. 'Please note that Einstein's clock is in precise synchronisation with my control watch, got it?'

'Right, check, Doc.' Marty answers.
'Have a good trip, Einstein. Watch your head.' He pets Einstein on his head one last time before stepping away and closing the door.

He grabs some sort of controller and points it at the car, Marty and I go stand next to him. I lower the camera and look at my dad.

'You got that thing hooked up to the car?' Marty asks.
'Watch this.' My dad says, I film the car again.

The car starts going backwards, a look of confusion washes over my face. Within a few seconds it speeds forward, I film my dad, but he yells at me that I should film the car and not him.

The car stops again and goes backwards. My dad grabs Marty and mine's arm and he pulls us with him infront of the car.

'If my calculations are correct...' He pauses for a second. 'When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious shit.' I look at my dad and back at the car.

He presses some buttons and the wheels start spinning, smoke is coming off of the wheels. After a few seconds, the car leaps forward. Panic rushes through my body. Marty and I step aside, but my dad pulls us back.

'Watch this, watch this!' Blue lights fly off of the car. Right before us it vanishes, fire erupts on the ground and I quickly step away.

'WHAT DID I TELL YOU! EIGHTY EIGHT MILES PER HOUR!' My dad exclaims happy, while jumping around. 'The temporal displacement occured exactly 01:20 AM! And 0 seconds!'

Marty walks up to the license plate and picks it up, but almost immediately drops it.
'Jesus Christ!' He exclaims. 'Jesus Christ, Doc! You disintegrated Einstein!' I lower the camera and look around for the car.
'I didn't disintegrated anything! The molecular structure of both Einstein and the car are completely intact!' My dad explains, while writing something.

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن