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Blue lights surround us and loud sounds are heard, within a snap of a finger we're somewhere else. We drive over a scarecrow and it lands on the window. Marty and I scream loudly and we crash into a barn with many animals in it. Because of the crash, the mask part of our suits fell back onto our faces.

'Are you okay?' Marty asks me.
'Yeah, you?' We worriedly look at each other.

Everything goes silent for a while, while we try to figure out where we are.

'Pa! What is it? What is it!' A young girls voice is heard.
'It looks like an airplane, without wings...' The father replies.
'That ain't no airplane! Look!' A boy yells.

Marty opens his door and steps out of the car, I hear yelling and screaming from outside, so I decide to step out of the car as well, to see what is going on. They start to scream even louder at the sight of me.

'No! No! Listen!' Marty tries to say, but they run away while screaming and yelling.
'That went well.' I laugh.
'Shut up!' He laughs. He steps outside and looks around. 'Hello? Erm, excuse me, sorry about your barn...' He apologises. I hear a gunshot and Marty falls.
'Are you okay?' I say quickly, I run over to him and give him a hand to stand up.

'It's already mutated into human form! Shoot it!' The boy yells, the father shoots the door again. Luckily Marty already got up and closed the door. The father yells some more stuff, but I can't make out what he says. Marty and I quickly go back into the car and drive away, while the dad keeps shooting at us.

I take off my mask and look at the angry man.
'Go! Just drive!' I yell at Marty.
'But what if we travel in time again?' He exclaims, we accidentally ride over a Pine tree and the man yells something at us, we exchange looks, but keep on driving. He also takes the mask part off.
'We won't! First of all, we don't have any platonium left, so we can't go back and second of all the date still says 1955! So we won't!' I point at the time circuit.

'Get a grip of yourself, Mcfly. It's all a dream! Just a very intense dream.' Marty tells himself as we are nearing our street.
'Marty, it's not a dream..' I look at him, he steps on the break and steps out of the car.

'Marty? What is it?' I say as I also step out of the car.
'Lyon Estates... It's not build yet...' He says to me.
'What do you mea-' I stop half sentence and look at what is supposed to be Lyon Estates. 'Oh... That's what you mean...'

We look around and see a board that reads "Live in the hoke of tomorrow... Today! Lyon Estates. Ground-breaking this winter!"

'Well erm... That sucks...'
'That sucks? We are stuck in 1955, Y/n! You can't just say 'That sucks'. We're stuck here!' Marty exclaims.
'No we're not, look!' I point at a red car that drives past us.

'Listen, you've got to help us.' Marty says to the man in the car.
'Don't stop, Wilbur!' His wife yells at the man and they drive away.

'It can't be...' Marty murmers.
'What can't be?' I say while still looking around, but he ignores me and goes to the car.

'It's kinda cool, don't you think? We're in 1955! Us! 2 teens from 1985 in 1955!' I smile, I've always had a thing for history.
'This is nuts...'
'I know right! Complete nuts, but fun!'
'Will you just- Nevermind.'
'Oohhh, I'm annoying, aren't I?'
'Sorry.' I laugh.
'Just come over here and help me.'

'Come on....' Marty mumbles at the wheel.
'What's that sound?' I say as I sit down next to him.
'Plutonium chamber?' Marty looks at it for a while. 'Perfect... It's empty.'
'Well of course it is.'
'What do you mean 'of course it is'?'
'Didn't you hear dad? '1 pellet, 1 trip.' We just have to go get some more Plu...tonium... Nevermind...'

'I'm sorry, 1 pellet, 1 trip? And you say that now?'
'I thought you knew!'
'How would I know?'
'Because dad said it!'
'No he didn't!'
'Yes he did!'
'No he- Oh my God he did. Fucks sake!'

'Just take the suit off again and help me push the car behind that board.' Marty says and he points at the advertisement board.

We take the suits off and push the DeLorean behind the advertisement board.

'What now?' I ask.
'Now we stay here for the night.'
'And then?'
'We walk.'
'We walk?' Marty nods. 'To where?'
'Well there isn't much choice, so I suggest either going back to Peabody's farm or to Hill Valley, seeing as Hill Valley is probably safer, considering we crashed into that barn, we should go there.'

'Good night, Y/n/n...'
'Good night, Marty...'

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now