Earth Angel and Johnny B. Goode

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A few moments later, Marty is standing on the stage, playing guitar. Eyes fixated on George and Lorraine. I'm standing at the table with the drinks, just watching all the couples dance.

'This is for all you lovers out there!' Marvin smiles.

🎵Earth Angel, Earth Angel. Will you be mi-ne? My darling, dear, Love you all the ti-me.🎵

'George, aren't you gonna kiss me?' I hear Lorraine ask George.
'I-I-I don't know...' George answers, while they're still dancing.

'Scram, Mcfly. I'm cuttin' in.' A boy takes Lorraine away from George, George pauses for a second and the way that Marty plays guitar gets worse and worse.

Come on, Mcfly... Hit him...

'This isn't working...' I run over to the stage.

'Marty, I want you to know that if you fade out of existence, like right now.' I look at his vanishing hand, he doesn't hit the right notes and sometimes he doesn't even touch the guitar at all. 'I want you to know that you mean everything to me and I will think about you every day and miss you a lot.' Marty begins to collapse. 'Marty, you mean the world to me, you're funny, amazing, hell you're the best person I've ever met, I want you to know that I-'

'GEORGE!' I hear Lorraine yell. 'GEORGE!'
'George...' Marty groans.

'Marty, look at me.' I lift his chin and force him to look at me. 'I love you, okay? I will never forget you, even if the world has never heard of you before. I will remember you!' A few tears fall down my cheek.

Out of nowhere Marty sits up and continues to play. I look over at George and Lorraine, they're dancing happily together and holding each other really close.

'They did it, huh?' I smile.

Marty and the band finish the song, a big applause erupts from the students.

'Yeah, yeah! Man, that was good! Let's do another one!' Marvin says to Marty.
'Oh, no.. I gotta go.' He tells him.
'Come on, man! Let's do something that really cooks!' Marvin tries again.
'Something that- that cooks...' Marty repeats him. He looks at the crowd and winks at me.

'Oh Lord, here we go.'
'Yeah, no, alright.' Marty steps up to the microphone.

The crowd starts to applaud even harder.

'Alright, uhm- Alright, this is, uh, this is an oldie, but uh... Well, it's a- it's an oldie where I come from.' Marty says sheepishly. He turns around to the band and gives them some instructions, before starting to play.

It takes a second before everyone starts dancing.

🎵Way down in Louisiana, down in New Orleans. Way back up in the woods, among the evergreens.🎵

'Well hello, doll. Mind if I step in.' A boy takes me by the waist and twirls me around.
'Absolutely not.' I try to get out of his grip, but he doesn't do anything. I look up, only to see Biff with a bruised face. 'Let go of me, Tannen.' I demand.
'Let me think about that for a second.' He goes quiet for a second. 'No.' He continues to dance with me against my will.
'I said, let go of me!' I hit him in his balls. Hard.

'Ow!' He falls onto his knees. 'You bitch!'
'Nah, that aint me.' I smile and walk away. Once I'm backstage I wait for Marty to finish with his song.

🎵Go! Go Johnny go! Go! Johnny B. Goode!🎵

'Chuck! Chuck! It's Marvin!' Marvin yells into the telephone. 'Your cousin! Marvin Berry? You know that new sound you lookin' for? Well listen to this!' He points the phone towards Marty.

'Don't get too caught up into it, please...' I mumble to myself, once I see him down on his knees.

'And here we go...' I pinch the bridge of my nose, as I see Marty jump off the amplifier.

'Oh no... Marty...' I whisper to myself.

The crowd has stopped dancing and is looking at Marty like he's crazy. I run towards Marty and help him up.

'I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet...' He says sheepishly. 'But your kids are gonna love it.'
'Okay, come on...' I let him walk away. 'Sorry for that, he can get caught up into his music sometimes.' I laugh. 'It sounded great in my opinion, but like he said, you aren't ready for it.' I quickly follow Marty.

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwriter and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now