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'Where are you, Marty...' I impatiently wait on my best friend, Marty, 'You're 20 minutes late...' The news starts playing, signalling that it is 08:18. 'Come on...' I tap my foot impatiently on the floor.

The door opens.
'Marty! You're late!' I exclaim as I stand up from the couch.
'Sorry! Sorry!' He apologises, he puts his skateboard down and plugs his mini guitar in. 'Cover your ears.' He smirk-smiles, I roll my eyes at him and cover my ears. He turns the volume all the way up and plays one chord. The amplifier explodes and we get thrown back.

'Wow... Rock and Roll..' Marty laughs at me.
'Well that was definitely loud.' I laugh.
'Yeah, it was.' The phone rings.
'Can you pick up? You're closer to it.'

'Hey! Hey, Doc! Where are ya?' Marty asks my father on the phone while looking at me, I shrug and get up from the mess.
'Wait- Wait a minute, 01:15 in the morning?'
'Yeah, I'll tell her.'
'Doc? What's going on? Where have you been all week?' He walks through the room and turns off the part of the amplifier that hasn't been blown up.
'Where's Einstein? Is he with you?'

'Yeah, he's with dad!' I mouth at him.
'Y'know, Doc? You left all of your equipment on all week.'
'Yeah... I'll keep that in mind...'
'Right-' All of the clocks start to go off. Marty covers his ears with the phone, while I immediately throw my hands on my ears.

'Yeah! It's erm... 8 o'clock!' Marty yells into the phone.
'Wait a minute... Wait a minute, Doc? Are you telling me that it is 08:25?!'
'Damn! We're late for school!' He hangs up, grabs his skateboard and runs outside. I grab my backpack and run after him.

We skate onto the road and get a hold of a car.

'Oh! I had to tell you, you have to go to Twin Pines Mall tonight at 01:15!' Marty yells.
'What? Why?' I yell back, we let go of the car and lift with another one.
'I don't know, your dad told me to tell you that. I have to go there too!'
'Oh, okay!'

We chat and lift from car to car, till we finally arrive at school.

'Yo Jennifer!' Marty greets his girlfriend.
'Marty, don't go this way. Strickland is looking for you, oh,' she glances over at me. 'Also for you, I guess. Anyways if you get caught it'll be 4 tardies in a row.' We run the other way.

'Alright, C'mon. I think we're safe.' Jennifer motions to us that we can come. Marty puts his arm around her shoulder.

Damn, I hated that girl. 'Perfect princess Jennifer' as Marty likes to call her, well perfect princess Jennifer my ass.

'Y'know, this time it's not my fault. Doc set all of his clocks 25 minutes slow.'
'Doc?' Strickland stops Marty. 'Am I to understand you're still hanging out with Dr. Emmett Brown, Mcfly?' He grabs a piece of paper. 'A tardy slip for you, miss Parker.' He grabs another one. 'And for you miss Brown.' He gives me a disgusted look. 'And one for you, Mcfly. I believe that that makes 4 in a row.' We grab the notes, I put mine in my pocket.

'Now let me give you a nickle's worth of advice, young man.' Strickland starts walking with us. 'This so called Dr. Brown is dangerous, he's a real nuttcase. You hang around with him and you're gonna end up in big trouble.' I clench my fists together and try to calm myself. Just calm yourself, Y/n. Don't get mad at Strickland...
'Oh yes sir.' Marty responds sarcastically.
'You got a real attitude problem, Mcfly. You're a slacker.' That's it.

'Sir. My father is not a dangerous man and don't you dare to talk to my friends like that!' I exclaim angry.
'And you're a slacker too, just as crazy as your father and you aren't even his biological child!' I glare up at him. One more word and I will beat my teacher up. 'He's dangerous, crazy, who knows what he's going to do!' Marty sees that I'm about to attack a teacher, so he grabs my arms and holds them together.
'Can we go now?' He asks awkwardly. Without an answer he starts walking away.

'I know your band is on the roster for dance auditions after school today. Why even bother Mcfly?' Marty let's go of my wrists and Strickland turns Marty to him. 'You haven't got a chance, you're too much like your old man. No Mcfly ever amounted to anything of the history of Hill Valley!'
'Yeah, well history is gonna change.' Marty replies smugly.

Okay, there is 1 person that I hate more then Jennifer, Strickland.


'Next please!' A male's voice booms through the hall. Marty walks up to his band and he plugs his guitar in.
'Alright. We're the uhh, we're the Pinheads.' He announces.
'1, 2, 3!' They start playing.

Not even 30 seconds in a judge grabs his mega phone and starts yelling.
'Okay, that's enough! Now stop the microphone. I'm sorry fellas, I'm afraid that you're just too darn loud. Next please!' Marty looks at me and then at Jennifer.

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now