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(A/N: Hey ya'll, I just wanted to say, thank you for taking time to read this, but seeing as only 1 person ever votes, I'm guessing that the rest of you are ghost readers. Please don't be a ghost reader, it would mean a lot to me if you voted or maybe commented!)

Dad tries to plug the two plugs into each other and lightning strucks, the lightning uses dad's body to get to the other cable. From looking at a beautiful clean cinema, we're in the cinema, but an older version.

'Did we do it?' I look at Marty.
'Yeah, we did.'

He drives back a bit and steps out of the car.

'Whoo!' He looks around and mumbles some things.

'Marty! My father?' I exclaim.
'Right, Doc...' He gets back into the car and tries to start it. Right at that moment the Libyans drive past us.

'Go!' I yell.
'No! No, not again!'
'It won't start!'
'It won't start? Well, what are we doing here! Run!' I get out of the car and run as fast as I can on my heels.

We quickly arrive at Lone Pine Mall.

'NOOO! YOU BASTARDS!' We hear Marty, the other Marty, yell, he stands up and the Libyans point their gun at him.

'I'm gonna go to my dad!' I exclaim, Marty grabs my hand and pulls me back.
'No you're not, you're going to do that when they're gone! You're gonna get killed if you go there now!'

We look at how Marty helps me into the car, he starts to drive really fast and within 2 minutes the Libyans crash and Marty and I get send to 1955.

'Marty!' Marty starts to run towards my dad, but he trips and rolls down.
'I'm okay! I'm okay!' He quickly stands up and runs towards my father. I get down carefully and also run towards him.

'Doc! Doc!' Marty kneels down besides him.
'Dad!' We roll him onto his back.

'No...' Marty sobs, tears stream down my cheeks as I look at the lifeless body of my father. I get onto my knees and burry my face in my knees.

'You're alive!' Marty exclaims.
'Marty, he's not. You saw how he got shot!' I sob.
'No! No! Look! He's alive!'
'Marty, don't give me false hope.' I say as I turn around. 'Dad!'

My father zips down his zipper and shows us that he's wearing a bulletproof vest.

'A bulletproof vest?' Marty says breathlessly. 'How did you- How did you know?'
'We- We never got t-the chance to tell you...' He takes out a letter from his pocket. Marty gives him a "I don't believe you..." Look, but takes the letter anyways.

"Dear dr. Brown,

On the night that your daughter, Y/n, and I go back in time, at 01:30 AM you'll be shot by terrorists. Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster.

Your friend,

'What about all that talk about screwing up future events?' I ask confused. 'The space-time continuum?'
'Well, I figured, what the hell.'

'Well, don't you look lovely.' Dad smiles at me.
'Hmm?' I look down at my dress. 'Oh, right. The dance...'
'Come on, stand up, dear.' He helps me stand up.
'You look absolutely beautiful, just as beautiful as I can remember.' A shiver through my body from the cold.
'Yeah, I may look beautiful, but I'm freezing and my make-up and hair are absolutely ruined.' I shrug.
'Well, I think that you look wonderful.' Dad tells me. Marty takes off his life preserver and jacket. He hangs jacket over my shoulder and puts his life preserver back on.

'Thanks...' I smile at him.
'Well let's get you home, shall we?' Dad says and motions to the car.

Dad drives, Marty is in the passenger seat and since there was no other place for me to sit, I'm on his lap.

Once we arrive at Marty's house the two of us get out of the car.

'So how far ahead are you going?' Marty asks him.
'About 30 years. It's a nice round number.'
'Look me up when you get there, alright?'
'Look me up too.' I smile.
'Guess we'll be about 47.' Marty calculates.
'Damn! We'll be old!' I laugh.

'You got everything, Y/n?'
'I think so... I got Marty, keys to the house. Everything.' I shrug.
'Take care.' Marty and dad shake hands.
'I will.'

'Dad, before you go.' I walk over to his side of the car and open the door.
'Yeah?' I say nothing. I only give him a hug.

'Take care, dad.' I pull away.
'You too, kiddo. I'm sorry about 30 years ago, how I said that you shouldn't call me da-'
'It's fine, dad. I understand.'

'Bye-bye, Einie!' Marty gives him a last pet.
'Bye, little devil.' I smile at the dog.

Marty is about to close the door, but realises he still has to tell him something.

'Oh and watch that re-entry. It's a little bumpy.'
'You bet.' Marty closes the door and intertwines our fingers.

We wave Einstein and dad goodbye, before going inside.

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwriter and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now