Hill Valley

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'Marty!' I whisper-yell. 'Marty, wake up!' I lightly shake him.
'No... I don't wanna wake up. I have no school. Let me sleep, mom...' He mumbles.

Damnit. Why are you so cute and why do you have a girlfriend! That's not fair!

'Marty!' I say a little louder. 'Marty!'
'What...?' He groans.
'Wake. Up. We have to get back to 1985!'
'1985?' He sits up and looks at me. 'So it wasn't a dream?'
'No, looked like one tho, but it isn't. It's true. We're in 1955.'
'Yeah, so get ready to go to Hill Valley!'

We get ready to go, so basically all we did was wake up and go, since we don't have our luggage with us.

'Let's walk, I guess?'
'Yeah, we don't have much choice.' I laugh.


🎵Mister Sandman, bring me a dream!🎵

'Cattle Queen Of Montanna. B. Stanwyck, R. Reagan. Air conditioned?' I read out loud.

'Marty! Look out!'
'Hmm? What?' A car almost hits him and honks at him. He quickly steps aside.
'A car...'

We admired many things here, like the cars, how a car got washed, because Marty was interested in that, listened to some of the songs.

We get many strange looks, probably because we aren't dressed like the 50's.

Ding dong ding ding. Ding dong ding ding.

'Well that's new... Well, old, but you know what I mean.' I look at the working clocktower.
'Yeah...' Marty says in awe.

A car passes us, telling us that we should vote on Mayor Red Thomas and a man throws his newspaper away.

'Well, grab it!' Marty tells me.
'Out of the garbage? Really?'
'Just do it!'

'Saturday, November 5, 1955. There are things about ca-'
'This gotta be a dream...'
'Marty, we talked about that. It's not. It's real. We are really here.'
'Public Telephone?' Marty looks inside a café and then at me. 'Maybe your dad can help us out?'
'We can try!'

We run to the café and Marty immediately freezes as he steps inside.

'Hey kid! You jump ship?' The bartender asks Marty.
'What's with the life preserver?'
'Oh! He works as a coast guard!' I smile.
'Okay...' The man continues with his work.

'Could we use the phone?' Marty asks, the man looks up from his work.
'Yeah.. It's in the back.' He says, while pointing to the back.
'Thanks!' Marty grabs my arm and takes me to the phone area.

He grabs the phone book and starts going through names.

'Brown... Brown... Brown... Great, you're alive.'
'Of course he's alive, the man is like a thousand years old.'
'Not the time for jokes, Y/n.'

He dials the number and waits for my dad to pick up. No one answers.

'No answer?'
'No... I'll just take this page and ask if they know where '1640 Riverside is"

We walk back to the front.

'Do you know where 1640 Riverside i-' Marty starts, but gets cut off.
'Are you two going to order anything?' The man asks with a raised voice.
'Erm..' Marty looks at me. 'Yeah...'

We sit down on the barstools and order drinks.

'Give me a tab.' Marty puts the page with numbers in his pocket.
'Give you a tab? I can!t give you a tab if you don't order something!'
'Right... Give me a Pepsi Free.' He sighs.
'Me too.'
'You want a Pepsi, pals. You're going to pay for it.'
'Just give me something without any sugar in it, okay?'
'Something without sugar and for the young-lady?'
'Oh... Erm. Do you have- Probably not.. Maybe! No...'
'Just-' I pause for a second. 'Just give me what you're going to give him.'
'Two drinks without any sugar...'

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن