George, Biff and Mayor Goldie Wilson

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The bartender gives us our drinks and goes back to his other work.

'Hey Mcfly!' A familiar voice says. Both Marty and this random dude turn around. After I've taken a sip of my drink, I also turn around.


'What do you think you're doing?' Biff yells.
'Biff...' Marty mumbles.
'Damn, he's even uglier then he is now.' I whisper.
'Shush! What if he hears you!' Marty laughs.

'I'm talkin' to you, Mcfly, you Irish bug!' Biff walks closer to us, making it look like he's talking to Marty.

'Oh, hey Biff. Hey guys...' The random dude says. 'How are you doing?' He says awkwardly.
'You got my homework finished, Mcfly?' Biff commands.
'Erm.. Well, actually, I figured since it wasn't due till Monday-' The guy, probably George, starts, but Biff grabs him by his head and starts knocking on it.
'Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Think Mcfly, think!' He let's go of George. 'I gotta have time to recopy it.' George laughs awkwardly, not knowing what to do. 'You realize what would happen if I hand in my homework in your handwriting? I'll get kicked out of school. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya?' He taunts. George stays quiet, only a few stutters come out. Biff grabs him by the arm and continues. 'Would ya?'
'No, of course not...' George says scared.
'What are you looking at, Butthead?' Biff spits at Marty.

'Get a load of this guy's life preserver. Dork thinks he's gonna drown.' A boy in a yellow blouse laughs.
'So, how about my homework, Mcfly?' Biff turns his attention back to George.
'Uh.. Okay Biff. Well, I'll uhm.. I'll finish that on up tonight and then I'll bring jt over first thing tomorrow morning.' George says, while taking a bite of his cereal.
'Not too early. I sleep in Sundays. Your shoe's untied.' Biff smirks. As George looks down, he gets hit in the face by Biff. 'Don't be so gullible, Mcfly.' He laughs.

'I don't wanna see you in here again.' Biff starts to leave, but pauses when he's infront of me.
'Okay, all right. Bye-bye.' George says quickly.

'Well hello, what's your name?' Biff smirks at me.

Ew ew ew ew ew ew.

'Hi... My name is Jules.' I look at Marty and give him a help this is fucking disgusting look.
'Are you new here? I can show you around, y'know. Through town, the school, my house, my room.' His smirk grows wider.
'O-Oh, erm... Actually I'm not new here. I'm staying at my uhm... Grandparents their house...' I lie.
'I could still show you around.' He pins one of his hands on the counter and the other one around my waist. He leans in and comes awfully close to me.
'No thank you...' I push his hand off of me.
'Why not, you don't want to have a good time?'

'Look, just leave her alone man.' Marty defends me and stands up.
'And why would I do that?' Biff let's go of me and turns to Marty.
'Because I have a boyfriend.' I say quickly, both Marty and Biff and his gang turn to me.
'Well, he's not here, is he? So I don't see the problem.' Biff comes closer to me again.

'Erm, Biff? Your appointment with the barber is in 20 minutes.' The boy in the yellow blouse announces.
'I'll see you around.' Biff grins and leaves.

'Are you okay?' Marty asks as he sits down.
'Yeah, I'm fine...' He nods and turns his attention to George. He studies George's face for a few seconds, till George has enough of it.

'What?' George drops his spoon and looks at Marty.
'You're George Mcfly!' Marty whimpers.
'Yeah... Who are you?'

'Hey! What do you let those boys push you around like that for?' One of the employees says to George.

That's president Goldie Wilson! Don't freak out, that's just your mayor...

'Well they're bigger than me.' George shrugs.
'Stand tall, boy!' The man says. 'Have some respect for yourself! Don't you know that if you let people walk over you now, they'll be walking over you ghe rest of your life!' He gives George a soft push. 'Look at me. You think I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in this slop house?'

'Watch it, Goldie!' The bartender from earlier says to Goldie.
'No sir! I'm gonna make somethin' of myself. I'm goin' go night school and ome day, I'm gonna be somebody!' Goldie states.

'That's right! He's gonna be mayor!' Marty responds.

No.... Marty... You can't do that.. It's 1955 you idiot... I think to myself.

'Marty. You can't do that!' I whisper through gritted teeth.
'Right...' He glances over at me and then back at Goldie and George.

'Yeah! I'm g-' Goldie pauses halfway through the sentence. 'Mayor!' He smiles. 'Now that's a good idea! I could run for mayor!' He walks away from George.
'A colored mayor. That'll be the day.' The bartender says.
'You wait and see, Mr. Carruthers! I will be mayor! I'll be the most powerful mayor in Hill Valley and I'm gonna clean up this town!' He states.
'Good. You can start by sweeping the floor!' Mr. Carruthers hands Goldie a broom.
'Mayor Goldie Wilson.' He scoffs happily. 'I like the sound of that!'

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwritier and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now