Stolen plutonium

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'This is uh, this is heavy duty, Doc. This is great!' Marty exclaims amazed.
'Does it run on regular unleaded gasoline?' I ask.
'Unfortunately, no. It requires something with a little more kick. Plutonium.'
'Plutonium?' I look at the car and lower the camera.
'Wait a minute. Are you telling me that this sucker is nuclear?' Marty's expression went from amazement to shock.

'Hey! Hey! Keep rolling there!' Dad says to me. I immediately start filming my dad again. 'No, this sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity I need.'
'You don't just walk into a store and buy Plutonium!' Marty raises his eyebrows at my dad.
'Are you the one who stole it from the Libyans? It was on the news this morning!' I explain.
'Of course! They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took the plutonium and gave them a bomb casing full of pinball machine parts.'

'Dad... No...' I pinch the bridge of my nose.
'Come on! Let's get you a radiation suit!' Marty and I exchange glances, but put the suit on nonetheless.

Dad carefully grabs a pellet of plutonium and put's it in the car. I of course film everything.

'It's safe now. Everything's lead-lined.' Dad puts the empty pellet back in the box. 'Don't lose those tapes now. I need that as a record.' He walks away, but walks back almost immediately. 'Let's put that back in here, there we go.' He puts the empty pellet back in the box. He grabs his luggage, while talking about how he almost forgot it.

'The future. That's where you're going?' Marty exclaimes.
'That's right. 25 years. I've always dreamed of seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next 25 World series.'

'Uhm, Doc?'
'Look me up when you get there.'
'I will.'

'Look me up too!'
'Of course, dear. You have everything you need here, right?'
'Yeah, well everything besides you...'
'I know, I know, you can come if you want.' I look at Marty and smile to my dad.
'I'll stay here.'
'Okay, well. Start rolling!'

He clears his throat and start talking.

'I, Dr. Emmett Brown, am about to embark on an historic journey.' He starts laughing. 'Of course! What am I thinking of? I almost forgot my extra plutonium! How do I expect to get back! One pellet, one trip, I must me out of my mind!' He smiles. Einstein starts barking really loudly, like he's alerting us. 'What is it Einie?' Dad turns to him, Einstein looks to the side, dad follows his gaze and his eyes meet a car with the Libyans. He walks forward to me. 'Oh my God. They found me. I don't know how, but they found me. Run for it!'

'Who? Who!' Marty and I exclaim.
'Who do you think! The Libyans!' Dad yells, while pointing at the car.
'Holy Shit!' Marty yells, before ducking.

The Libyans yell something that we don't understand and they shoot into all kind of directions.

Marty and I sit behind the DeLorean, while dad shoots back at the Libyans, well tries to. His gun has no bullets anymore, so he runs for it.

'Dad! Wait!' I yell at him.
'Doc! No! Wait!' Marty yells.

The Libyans pull up infront of him, dad puts his arms in the air and freezes. He throws the gun on the ground, before getting shot many times. He falls to the ground, tears start to prick in my eyes, but I can't seem to move.

'NOOOO! YOU BASTARDS!' Marty yells, he stands up, but the Libyans point their gun at him, so he runs behind the car. Then they point it at me, but no bullets come out. Marty runs over to me and helps me into the Delorean. He starts driving, while the Libyans got their gun to work again. I turn the camera off and place it in my lap.

I hold on to the chair, while Marty continues to drive.

The Libyans pull out a bigger gun.
'Shit...' Mumbles Marty. 'Let's see if you bastards can do 90.'
'Marty...' I whisper, but he doesn't answer. 'Marty?' I say a little louder this time. 'We're about to hit 88 miles per hour...' He looks at me with a panicked look, but continues to drive.

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now