Saturday night

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'Where was the time machine again?' He asks us, we're currently sitting in his car.
'Lyon Estate.' I tell him. 'Well, where they started building Lyon Estate...'

'We're here.' Dad says.
'There's something wrong with the starter, so we hid it... Here.' Marty explains.

Dad and Marty walk behind me with flashlights, while I walk on front, so that I can take the bushes and other stuff off of the car.

'After I fell off my toilet...' Dad admires the car. 'I drew this.' He grabs a drawing out of his pocket and shows it to us.
'Flux capacitor.' Marty and I say in unison, while looking at the drawing.

I open up the car and show him the Flux capacitor. The lights of it flicker a few times, before going off again. Marty and dad shine their lights on the Flux capacitor, so that he can see it clearly, while I step out of the car again.

'It works!' Dad laughs. 'It worked!' Marty and I look at my dad likes he's crazy. 'I finnaly invent something that works!' Dad grabs Marty by his life preserver and smiles at him.
'You bet your ass it works...' Marty says in shock of being pulled in like that.
'Somehow we've gotta sneak this back to my laboratory!' He points at the car and then turns back to Marty and me. 'We've gotta get you home!'


'Okay, Doc. This is it.' Marty's busy putting the camera onto the TV, while I admire some of the things he doesn't have when I live here.

'Don't mind that now! Don't mind that!' My dad says.

'Why that's me! Look at me! I'm an old man!' Dad says happy.

'Ready?' I ask my dad, he gives me a nod and starts talking.

'Good evening. I'm Dr. Emmet Brown, I'm at the Twin Pines Mall parking lot.'

'Thank God! I've still got my hair!' He exclaims. 'And what on earth's this I'm wearing?'
'This? Oh, this is a radiation suit.' Marty says casually.
'Radiation suit?' Dad reapeats. 'Of course, because of tall the fallout from the atomic wars!' Marty skips a few minutes of the tape and looks confused at my dad. 'This... This is truly amazing.' He sighs. 'A portable television studio.' He picks the camera up. 'No wonder your president has to be an actor. He's got to look good on television.'
'Whoa, this is it! This is the oart comin' up, Doc.' Marty sets the camera down again.

'Hey! Hey! Keep rolling there!' Dad says to me. I immediately start filming my dad again. 'No, this sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity I need.'

'What did I just say?' Dad focuses on the TV. Marty rewinds the video to the part that dad was referring to.

'...This sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity-'

'1.21 Gigawatts!' He stands up runs around the place yelling all kind of things, but after a few seconds he runs outside.

'What? What happened?' I look up from some inventions dad made.
'What- What the hell is a Gigawatt!' Marty exclaims and runs after him.
'I have no idea.' I put the invention down and run after them.

'Oh look, you're inside.' I smile.
'...Drugstore! But in 1955, it's a little hard to come by!' Dad grabs Marty by his shoulders. 'Marty, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that you two are stuck here.' He sits down on his chair again.
'I'm sorry? Stuck here?' I walk closer to them.
'No, no, Doc. We can't be stuck here!'
'I mean it's kinda cool here.' I look at Marty, he glares at me and I quickly continue. 'But I wouldn't want to be stuck here!'
'I-I can't be stuck here! I got a life in 1985! I got a girl!'

Fucking Jennifer, Jesus Christ.

'Is she pretty?' Dad asks.


'Oh, absolutely beautiful.' I mumble, so that only I can hear it and roll my eyes.
'Doc, she's beautiful.' Marty glances over at me and frowns. 'She- She's crazy about me.' He says, while still looking at me. 'Look at this. Look what she wrote here, Doc.' I stand up and go to dads dog and pet him.

'I don't understand what he sees in that bitch...' I say to Copernicus, dads dog.

'Marty, I'm sorry, but the only power source capable of generating 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity, is a bolt of lightning.' Dad apologises.

'Could you repeat that, please?' I stand up and walk over to them. I try to push the jealousy away.
'A bolt of lightning.' Dad looks at me. 'Unfortunately, you never know when or where it's ever gonna strike.'
'Well, we do this time.' I grab the paper from Marty's hand and give it to my dad.

'This is it!' Dad stands up and starts walking around the room. 'This is the answer! It says here that a bolt of lightning is gonna strike the clock tower at 10.04 PM next Saturday night!' He walks back to us. 'If we could somehow harness this lightning, channel it into the Flux capacitor, it might just work!'

'Dude, I'm telling you, I've been his daughter for quite some hears now and I still don't understand everything he says.' I whisper to Marty.
'Me too.' He says. 'Well the not understanding part, not the being his daughter part.'
'Next Saturday night, we are sending you back to the future!' Dad laughs.
'Okay! All right! Saturday's good!' Marty stands up.
'Yeah, Saturday is great! I still have some time to look around, maybe shop a bit, buy some clothes!' A smile edges it's way onto my lips.
'Yeah, we can spend a week in 1955! I could hang around a bit.'

'No, no, no, no, no, no. Y/n, Marty, we are not going off wandering to places.' Dad grabs me by my shoulders and pulls me close to him. 'That is completely out of the question. You must not leave this house. You mjst not see anybody or talk to anybody. Anything you do can have serious repercussions on future events. Do you understand?'

'Uhm, Marty?' I look at Marty with a concerned look.
'Marty? Have you interacted with anybody else today besides me and Y/n?' Dad asks, he let's go of me and walks kver to Marty.
'I'm- Yeah, well, I might've bumped into my parents...'
'Great Scott! Let me see that photograph again of your brother!' Dad demands.

Marty goes through all of his pockets till he finds the pciture and hands it to dad.

'Just as I thought. This proves my theory. Look at your brother!' He holds the picture under a light.
'His head's gone.' I state.
'It's like it's been erased...' Marty adds.
'Erased from existence.'

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwritier and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

(A/N 2: Sorry that I didn't upload this yesterday, I forgot😬)

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