Dr. Emmet Brown

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'What was that all about?' I ask, when we're walking outside.
'My mom was flirting with me! My mom was flirting with me!!' He exclaims, I start laughing at his reaction. 'It's not funny!'
'Oh no! Not at all, Mr. Purple underwear.' I start laughing even harder.
'Sorry. I meant Calvin.'
'Just shut up.' He playfully rolls his eyes.
'Make me.' I smirk.
'Okay.' He leans in, my cheeks heat up and instead of doing anything 'intimate', he claps his hand onto my mouth and continues to walk.


'Ma-Ty.' I try to say.
'I'm sorry? Did you say anything?' He smirks.
'Le- G!'
'I don't understand you, you should use your words.' His smirk grows wider. I grab him by his life preserver and pull him close, he drops his hand and he looks scared.
'I said, let go. Understood?'
'Yes Ma'am.'
'Good.' I let go of his shirt and we continue to walk in silence.

Did I really just do that? My mind races with thoughts like these.

After a while of walking and a lot of thinking we finally arrive at my dads house.

Marty knocks on the door. After a few seconds the door opens, but almost immediately closes again, when my dad and I make eye contact. I knock again and dad opens the door.

'Don't say a word!' He pulls me and Marty inside.

'I don't wanna know your name, I don't wanma know why you call me dad, I don't wanna know anything about you!' He says. Marty and I exchange confused glances. Dad starts to take something off of a dog. It's not Einstein, since he hasn't been born yet.

'Doc! You gotta help us!' Marty says.
'Please, dad- I mean Doc!' I say at the same time.
'Don't tell me anything! Quiet!' He also says at the same time.

My dad presses a suction cup, with all kinds of wires on it, against Marty's forehead.

'I'm gonna read your thoughts. Let's see now!' He starts. 'You come here from a great distance?'
'Yeah! Exactly!'
'Don't tell me!'

'Uhm. You want me to buy a subscription to The Saturday Evening Post?' He continues.
'Not a word! Not a word now!' My dad shushes him once again. 'Quiet!'

'Uh... Donations!' He smiles. 'You want me to make a donation.' He pauses once again. 'To the Coast Guard Youth Auxiliary!'
'Doc.' Marty pulls the suction cup off of his forehead. 'We're from the future.'
'We came here in a time machine that you invented! Now we need your help to get back to the year 1985.' I finish Marty's sentence.
'By God.' Dad walks closer to us. 'Do you know what this means?' Marty and I exchange hopeful glances.' It means, that this damn thing doesn't work at all!' And the hope is gone. He takes the machine off of his head.

'Dad! You gotta help us!' I exclaim.
'You're the only one who knows how your time machine works!' Marty adds. We walk over to him.

'Time machine?' Dad touches the cut on his forehead. 'I haven't invented any time machine.'
'Okay, I'll prove it to you.' Marty starts digging in his pockets and he pulls out his wallet. 'Look at my driver's license. Expires 1987. Look at my birthday for crying out loud, I haven't even been born yet! And look at this picture, it's my brother, my sister and me. Look at her sweatshirt, Doc. "Class of 1984"?'
'Pretty mediocre photographic fakery. They cut off your brother's hair.'
'I'm tellin' the truth, you gotta believe me!'

'Or believe me, look.' I grab my wallet and show him a picture we made a few years ago. He looks at me and then at the picture.
'My God.' He starts. 'You two really think that I'm stupid.'
'Dad, please!'
'Stop calling me dad. I'm not your father.'
'Of course you are!'
'You don't look a thing like me!'
'You adopted me when I was three! You adopted me in 1971...'
'I don't even want children, so why would I adopt one?'
'Dad, please just listen to us.'
'I am not your father and I never will be!'

Tears start to form in my eyes and I give my dad a sad look.

'Fine, whatever you want, Da-Doc...' A tear rolls down my cheek.

'I am not your father and I never will be!' Those words roam through my mind. 'I don't even want children, so why would I adopt one?' 'I'm not your father.'

'Well, if you're really telling the truth, then tell me, future kids. Who's president of the United States in 1985?' Dad asks us, I give hime a faint look.
'Ronald Reagan.' Marty and I answer.
'Ronald Reagan? The actor? Ha!' He starts gathering stuff. 'Then who's Vice President? Jerry Lewis?' Before we can answer he runs outside.

'I suppose Jane Wyman is the first lady!' He exclaims as he runs over to the other building.
'Wait, Doc!' Marty yells at him, as we run after him.
'And Jack Benny is secretary of treasury!'
'You gotta listen to us!' I yell.
'I've had enough practical jokes for one evening! Good night, future children!' He closes the door behind him.
'No! Wait! Doc! Doc!' We try to open the door.
'Dad- I mean Doc! Listen to us!'

'The bruise...' I mumble.
'Right! The bruise!' Marty looks up at me with a smile. 'The bruise on your head! I know how it happened, you told us the whole story!' Marty starts. 'You were standing on your toilet, hanging a clock-' I cut him off once again to finish his sentence.
'And you sfekk and hit your head on the sink and that's when you came up with the idea of the-'
'Flux capacitor! Which is what makes time travel possible.' It stays quiet for a few seconds, till he opens the door and looks at us in a shocked way.

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwritier and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now