An Unlikely Team

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Silas' POV:

"You were attacked?" my dad asks me as I focus on my wrists and the red ring growing on them from having been cuffed for so long.

The clock on the wall tells me it is nearly midnight, but I'm not tired because of my short nap. Also, because my focus is on getting the hell out of here and I won't rest until I have answers about how long I may be here.

"Yes. I was attacked but I fought back and threw the person out of my window. I think it was a man based on the stature, but I can't be sure because their face was covered and anyone looking to murder wouldn't be obvious about their appearance or do anything that would make their identity obvious," I tell him, trying to think about anything that would tell me who my attacker is.

The person who should be behind bars.

"Your apartment building was blown up. I saw it on the news," dad tells me. "How did you not get injured?"

"I wasn't there," I say. "I moved in with my boyfriends and was living with them at the time. Someone is trying to frame me in order to hide their own identity, but I didn't do anything wrong!"

My dad reaches across the table and places one of his hands on top on top of my left hand. "I believe you, Silas. I know I didn't believe you in the past and never came to your aid, but I know you are a good person and you didn't do anything wrong. I'm going to prove your innocence."

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

"Does mom know you're here?" I ask, wondering if my mom is on the same page as my dad.

Dad nods. "She saw the news first and told me to come make sure you didn't do it, because she didn't think you would hurt anyone." He sighs. "Silas, we need to map out where you were and when on the days leading up to the explosion so I can find out how to get proof. Do you know if your... boyfriends? Do you know if they have cameras in their house?"

"I'm not sure."

It wouldn't surprise me if they did, just because it's such a nice house, but it also seems like something Lincoln would hate. No reason behind the thought, but I just get that vibe from him.

My dad lights up around three in the morning, when I go over how I was attacked for the fifteenth time.

"You said you threw your attacker out a window, correct?"

"Yes," I say, trying to figure out what he's thinking.

My dad opens to a new page of paper. "Did the window break?"


"Good," my father says, getting up. "They'll be bringing you back to your cell, but I will be building a case. Be patient, son. If what I am thinking works, we will have you out of here by tonight. Do not speak with anyone, do you understand?"

I nod as my dad leaves the room and the officer takes me back to my cell. I lay down on the bed and close my eyes, hoping that my dad can follow through with whatever idea sprung into his head so I can get out of here.


Atticus' POV:

"What do you mean you found out how to prove his innocence?" Lincoln asks, getting up and following after James. "How?"

James turns around and looks at the pair of us. "You two must know this city... where would the glass from Silas' window be? They must have taken something from the crime scene, yes?"

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