First Day In The Real World

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Silas' POV:

I've never been so nervous in my life, and I've almost been murdered and been arrested. However, today, a week after I have joined Atticus and Lincoln in their relationship, I am sitting in the car holding Lincoln's hand tightly as we drive to his office.

His boss, Mr. Mora, is apparently very kind and was impressed that Lincoln was able to find a Mistake that wanted to work. He seems to be accepting of Mistakes and I hope that he lives up to the expectation that Lincoln has built for me.

"Silas, you're making the car act weird," Lincoln says gently, and I snap to attention realizing that in my nerves I have been making the car rumble and the lights flicker on and off.

"Sorry," I say, reaching up and adjusting the collar of the nice shirt I'm wearing.

Lincoln smiles over at me, squeezing my sweaty hand. "Mr. Mora is a great, unbiased boss, and I'll be there the entire time. Also, we have a strict policy where we will make people leave if they're prejudice toward people with Mistacesemia."

"That's the opposite of what I usually experience," I say as we pull into the driveway of the office. "He will interview me first, correct?"

"Yes, just to get to know you but you're getting the job. There's only a few of us in the office, so we're a tight-knit group and Mr. Mora likes to get to know all of his workers. He's a great boss."

I sigh, a bit relieved. "That's better than working for someone like Atticus' boss."

"Yeah, for sure," Lincoln agrees. "I'm glad he and Jared are hanging out today, because I can tell he's super annoyed and miserable over not being allowed back at the office for another week."

Jared was allowed to go back after a five day's suspension because he and Atticus are two of the best and Jared didn't punch Darrel. Since Darrel wanted to make a point to Atticus, he didn't let him come back early, but he let Jared and since Jared has today off, they're meeting for lunch.

Poor Atticus is so worked up and sick of being in the house, and now that I'm starting a job with Lincoln, he's even lonelier.

We walk inside and Lincoln brings me to a back room where a man with dark hair and chocolate eyes. He has a very warm and comforting aura, which I think is very good for clients who are nervous and... well, like me.

"Mr. Mora, this is Silas Murray," Lincoln introduces, and the man stands up to shake my hand.

Mr. Mora shakes my hand, a smile on his face. "Nice to meet you, Silas," he says, and I manage to stutter out a greeting. "I am very glad you are willing to take up the job here. I'll have our current long time receptionist, Beni, show you the ropes. You will work three full eight hour days on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and then a four hour day on Sunday. Does that work for you?"

I nod, handing him the paperwork that Lincoln helped me to fill out. I also hand over my ID and my social security card and Mr. Mora asks Lincoln to scan them both.

That leaves me alone with Mr. Mora.

"Sir, I don't know what you saw on the news-"

Mr. Mora stops me. "Silas, I do not care about any of that. Lincoln speaks so highly of you and I know how often individuals with Mistacesemia are falsely accused. As long as you work hard and are good to our clients and your coworkers, I do not care at all about the accusations made in the past. All I ask is that you and Lincoln wait until after hours to mess around."

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