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Some sexy times in this chappy because y'all are my babies and you deserve it 😤

Lincoln's POV:

I am so excited.

Atticus' big bosses (the people who are kind of the head bitches in charge of the OSIU) have a bunch of safe houses and they finally let Atticus know where one is, and they're letting me go stay there!

Not only am I super pumped to go see the safe house and be off grid, but Silas is also there and he's safe, which has brought so much relief to my life. Also, (as I kind of suspected) Darrel's ass was behind the crimes against our boyfriend.

"We are arriving, sir," the guard that's driving tells me, since I can't see out the blackened windows. "I will escort you into the safe house."

"Thanks," I reply, listening to gravel crunch as the car comes to a stop.

When the door is opened for me, I grab my duffel bag and look around the place where I've been brought. There's a giant cabin-style house, a lake with a dock, and a couple of cars identical to the one that drove me here.

I see two people sitting on the dock, both of them seemingly relaxed and enjoying the company, but I don't see them speaking or attempting to do more than sit and stare out into the water.

It's early in the morning, so the sun is just rising and casting a glow across the grass field near the lake and forest around us, and there's fog hovering over the lake and grass.

"Please, follow me," the driver tells me, and I direct my attention to the cabin and I'm in awe of how gorgeous this place is, even though its purpose is to function as a safe house.

"Morning, brat," I hear someone say, and I turn to see Jared drinking coffee with another man around my own age standing beside him.

"Wish I could say I missed you, but I didn't," I respond, walking over and hugging Jared.

When I pull away, I see the man that was standing beside him is looking me up and down. He's not even trying to hide the fact that he's openly glaring at me, and he puts down his coffee cup and stomps to the bar to sulk.

"Hi, I'm Lincoln," I say, and he looks at me as if I'm a slug. "Is there any reason you look like you want to kill me?"

Jared frowns at the other boy. "Leo, he's Atticus and Silas' boyfriend," he says, and Leo almost instantly relaxes.

"Ohhhh," he says, reaching forward and dragging his coffee toward him using his powers. "I'm Leo. I was in the warehouse with Silas."

I look between him and Jared. "Are you two dating?" I ask, because Leo definitely relaxed when Jared mentioned that I'm dating two people and not after Jared.

Leo scoffs. "No."

"Sure..." Jared asks, walking over to the bar and standing behind Leo, kissing his neck and making Leo nearly choke on his coffee.

"Okay, before this gets very... uh, X-rated, where are my boyfriends?"

Leo smirks. "Upstairs, third door down on the left," he says, grabbing Jared's hand. "We'll show you on the way to my room that Jared decided to stay in."

I chuckle. "Sharing a bed?"

"How do you know it's not two twin beds?" Jared asks me, guiding me upstairs and showing me to the room where my boyfriends are. "Bye."

"Use protection!" I chirp as they leave me, opening the door to the room.

It smells like sex and I find Silas sprawled out on top of Atticus, the comforter of the bed just above his hips. The room is nice, with a king bed, an en-suite bathroom and it feels very homey.

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