Staring at the barrel of a Gunn

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The atmosphere was fun and cheery. Families came together on the weekends to have dinner together in this diner and usually it made the restaurant seem quite fun and busy. The opposite of the window side table number 4, which was filled with a tense and boring atmosphere. The same table where you could see a young couple having dinner together.

Lyn stared at her reflection in the spoon she had in front of her while her boyfriend, Luke, droned on and on about his grandmother or some other uninteresting shit. No, scratch that. Old Mama Hales was way more interesting than what Luke was talking about. He was talking about the same movie he always talked about, the one Lynn hated yet didn't have the heart to tell him so. She took a deep breath, and stared at Luke's eyes, not sure how to get his attention without interrupting. He has such beautiful eyes, she thought, too bad there's nothing behind them. Lynn couldn't take it anymore. She would have to be rude to him just this once.

"I'm breaking up with you" she blurted out. She hated interrupting people, but she had to say it.

"Again?" was all Luke could reply, with the face of a sad puppy whose toy had just been taken away. He bit his lip-ring while pouting, a habit he had adopted since he got his piercing last month.

It was hard to break up with him the first three no, four times, but it was just sad now. Lynn had broken up with Luke six times, and he had broken up with her three. They weren't going to live happily ever after, they weren't even happy right now, so why keep trying. That's what she said to Luke when he asked why with his sad puppy face again.

"But baby, we are so good together. I'll miss you too much". Was his only reply, though it seemed more like an excuse. God, Lynn hated being called baby. And he knew it. She couldn't count the amount of times she had nicely let him know that, and yet he still called her that every so often. Another reason why he wasn't a good match, he never listened.

"Luke, we are only good together in bed, and you know that. Listen, I know we have amazing sex, trust me, I'll miss that too, but there's nothing else!" Lyn said tiredly. He just sighed and kept on biting his lip ring.

Luke knew she was right, but he didn't want to let go of her. After every break up, they were back together in three weeks tops. He saw it as a sign that they were meant for each other. She saw it as a sign that they were not compatible. That was enough to see just how different they were.

They kept staring and staring and staring. Unsure of what to do or say next, the waitress at the retro-style diner they were eating in was about to come refill their drinks, but she sensed the awkwardness and walked straight to the other table. Nice save, waitress. Lyn saw her walk by and she thought damn, I really wanted another drink. She would get one on her way out.

"Goodbye Luke" she said as she took some bills out of her pocket, and placed them on the table. "This should be enough to cover my order".

As she walked out she turned back and saw Luke staring at her with the same sad puppy face he had been doing the first time they broke up, and every time after that. Lynn turned to the front and sighed for one last time because of him. Oh Luke, I'll miss your lips on mine. And in other places.

an: hi, this is my first story on Wattpad. i hope you enjoy it and if you see any mistakes let me know. have a wonderful day

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