Don't do drugs, kids.

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Charlotte was in the break room after closing hours, enjoying the peace and quiet she didn't have the privilege of enjoying in her own home. She still lived with her hectic family and as much as she loved them, her sisters, fourteen, twelve, and two six year olds, could get exhaustive. And loud. Elizabeth, the eldest of the four, who as of three months had insisted in being called 'Zabeth' and dyed her red hair black was experiencing some changes in behaviour, and she insisted she was totally in love with Zakk, her seventeen year old boyfriend. Obviously their parents weren't too fond of him. It was the first night they were gonna have dinner together and Charlotte had said it was an absolute necessity for her to be at the store late, despite the fact that she could easily change her hours. She just didn't want to be there when that bomb exploded.

Lynn had left a couple of hours early, to Charlotte's dismay, to spend some time with Andrea. Charlotte had closed up the front door and turned off the neon sign that read 'OPEN'. She was sitting on the hardwood floor and smoking a joint, enjoying the overall feeling of the situation. She spent some minutes there, only listening to her own breathing when the door suddenly burst open.

"Is that pot?" Lyndsey asked, taking Charlotte by surprise. The redhead quickly stood up and got defensive, as she felt her privacy violated because the break room had long ago become her special place. "Uh, yeah. It is. The cat's out of the bag, huh? Wanna join?" She suggested, not because she wanted to induce Lyndsey to drugs, but because every chance she could get to spending time with Lyndsey was a chance she would take.

"I'm fine, not really my thing. But I'll sit down with you." And she sat on the floor alongside Charlotte, who had reinstated herself on the floor and started smoking again. "It's quiet. And snug in here" Lyndsey smiled.

"Yeah, that's why I like it. I don't have many places where I can get this peace, you know?" She said turning to Lyndsey. "Really?" She asked a bit surprised. "Not even at home?"

"Home is the least quiet place I can think of. I have four sisters at home. Isabelle, she was smart enough to move in with her fiancé. With the others, I still have to deal." Charlotte found herself happier talking with someone about her family life rather than just smoking it away. Especially if that someone was as beautiful as Lyndsey.

"Wow. Six girls? That's a lot of dance recitals." Lyndsey said. She was used to living with only two people, and she couldn't fathom the thought of living with seven other humans in her home. "Yeah, lot's of dance recitals. But we all love each other, except for Elizabeth and Caroline, they are always bickering. They're total opposites, it's ridiculous, but they also can't be apart. Makes no sense, really."

"How old are they? Well, all of them, really." Charlotte sensed curiosity in Lynn's voice, and she appreciated that. Other than Isabelle she had no one else to talk much with.

"Well, Isabelle is 27, getting married soon. Then there's me, 23. Elizabeth, 14. Caroline, 12. And then there's the twins, Angela and Cecilia, who are six. After Caroline they had planned to have no more children, and surprise surprise, twins." Charlotte laughed, thinking of the unfortunate blessings that were her sisters. She was also laughing because she was getting higher than a kite, though Lyndsey was still very much awake.

Lynn found it weird hearing Charlotte talk about herself so much, as she usually had these brick walls around her that avoided any personal question. She was seeing Charlotte's more human-like side, and she loved it, despite the fat that she was slurring a bit.

"We get along together most of the time, but it can get really suffocating sometimes. That's why I love the store. It's full of music yet it's the quietest place in my life. All of the stress, the work, the hours, they're all worth it. At first I didn't want you here because I just felt so attached to the peace, I didn't want anyone to ruin that."

"And did I?" Lynn asked very entertained by the sudden confession. Charlotte started laughing in the way only kids and drug users laugh.

"No, I'm glad you came in. I'm starting to really like you Lynn. Like REALLY like you." She laughed more, probably unaware of the confession she had made to Lynn. And once she started talking she didn't shut up. "I just want to kiss you sometimes." She was laughing so much she was lying on the ground now.

Lynn didn't know how to handle this new information her given by a very high Charlotte. Maybe it's the pot talking. It must be. But Lynn knew better. She was very much hearing the truth. And she wasn't sure how to react to it. She grabbed her bag she had forgotten, which was the reason she had come into the break room at first and quickly exited the store.

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