I'm sorry for the girl I was

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Lynn was lying in bed with a book in her hands and meg purring at her side. She had just come home from the store and had taken a long hot shower. She and Charlotte had not spoken during the whole shift, although Charlotte had made various efforts to do so, but Lynn was set on giving her the silent treatment. She knew it was childish and immature, but she was afraid of what would happen if they spoke given the recent tension between them. Lynn knew she couldn't stay silent forever, so she was going to settle things the next day. She just wanted relaxation now, and that's what she was getting now, in her comfy bed, with a cat purring next to her and a good book, it was all calm.

That is, until her doorbell rang. She thought about ignoring it, just like she could do when her phone rang, but frustratingly enough, it wasn't as easy. You couldn't make a live person outside your door go to voicemail. She removed her reading glasses, set her book facing upwards on the page she was reading, and slipped on sweatpants. You never know who was outside and opening the door with boxer shorts wasn't the best idea considering that. She reluctantly walked towards the door and without bothering to check who was on the other side she opened it with an uninterested air to her.

She had been almost half asleep while answering, but upon seeing who had rang her doorbell. Brown Chocolate eyes stared at her with a sad look to them, framed with curly red hair. Lynn's first instinct was to shut the door but Charlotte beat her to it, stepping forward and placing her hand on the door preventing Lynn from escaping her.

"Can we just talk?" She asked Lyndsey desperately, hoping to get a response this time, seeing as this morning she had suddenly become mute.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Lynn replied following a long sigh, and she motioned for Charlotte to step inside her home, which she did without hesitating.

"Sorry about today. I acted like a kid. In my defense, I am a kid. I just wanted a sort of 'calm before the storm', you know, before us entering a screaming match again." Lynn said as Charlotte made the couch her place, careful not to mess anything because after all, she was still in her crush's house.

"It was more awkward than calm, in all honesty. And sorry about yesterday, I may have been louder than intended, but I still need to talk to you." Charlotte said, rushing to get to the point. She was here to show Lyndsey the pictures of Luke with Andrea. She didn't want to be the one who hurt Lynn like this, but if it wasn't her, it would eventually be Andrea, and Charlotte had the feeling she wasn't one to sugarcoat things. She had the feeling she would reveal her cheating ways in a much more hurtful way, she thought remembering the words Andrea had said when she kissed her. She said Lynn would pay, and Charlotte didn't like the sound of that, especially when she had been part of Lyndsey's reason of guilt. She had to do this quick.

Lynn hurriedly replied while sitting next to her friend on the couch, moving some of the velvet cushions to make space.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I said some of the things I said, I was just defensive and angry and I'm just very confused about this whole situation. I'm sorry about the kiss, and claiming you forced it. I kissed back, I admit it, but it can't happen again. I love Andrea, and I can't just break up with her, even if I have developed some feelings for you. I'm sorry, I want to be friends again, but there's too much tension, I don't know how to handle it. Now, I'm just rambling about my feelings and I haven't even given you a chance to reply, and that's how conversations work, and I'm doing it again. I'll just shut up now."

When Lynn was nervous she tended to give too much information and her brain to mouth filter seemed to malfunction. She thought this was annoying. Charlotte found it endearing as she tried to contain a smile from forming on her lips as she watched a blush set in Lyndsey's cheeks. She was adorable when flustered. To the point, right. Charlotte thought when she realized she had been staring too long.

"It's okay. I guess that's better than freezing up which happens to me when I'm nervous." Lynn smiled shyly at the remark, realizing she got more self-conscious with Charlotte around.

"But I came here to talk to you about Andrea. I know it's hard for you to admit that she may not be who you thought she was, but she's not. And I'm sorry to be so blunt about it, but she's a cheating bitch. And I have proof this time." As Charlotte said this, she took out her phone and showed Lyndsey the screen.

Lynn was heartbroken when she saw the picture. The pixels were colored to reveal the bigger picture of her current girlfriend and ex-boyfriend playing tonsil hockey. Why she even thought of that expression, she'll never know, all she knew is that the more she stared at the screen, the more Charlotte's words weighed on her. It was true, Andrea did cheat. Luke had only been in town less than a week, and Lynn and Andrea had been together for months.

She knew it was hypocritical to judge Andrea for a kiss, since she had done the same but that was different, she hoped. After Lynn promised to never do anything like that again, Andrea had told her she wouldn't either. They had promised loyalty and sealed it that night. And as she stared at the screen she saw the date the picture was taken. The very next day.

Betrayed wasn't enough to encompass her feelings. She was angry, disappointed, sad, in comprehensive, and a whole other array of negative feelings took over. She stood there frozen, when she snapped back to reality and turned to see the girl in front of her. She needed answers from her. But first, she owed her another apology.

Lynn surprised herself with her next action, taking Charlotte into her arms and muttering "sorry" into her ears. She wasn't one to cry often, but when she did it poured. Without even realizing, she was sobbing into Charlotte's shoulder, who was stunned at first, but then reacted and embraced Lyndsey in her arms. "Sorry about this. You don't need to apologize." She muttered as comfort to Lyndsey.

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, Lynn letting it out while Charlotte silently comforted her, but it was actually only a few minutes, and those were filled with the silent med of their friendship. When they pulled away from each other, no words needed to be said about their relationship as friends. But Lynn had a couple to say about a certain short-haired bitch. And they weren't pretty words.

"I'm breaking up with her as soon as I can. Maybe tomorrow, right now I just need you here."

"Um, I don't think that's going to happen. You might have to confront her sooner than you think." Charlotte said when she heard the distinctive sound of a motorcycle on the driveway.

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