Angie & Cece

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Charlotte was parked outside of Lynn's home drumming her fingers nervously on the steering wheel gathering enough courage to actually move her ass and walk towards the doorway. She looked down at her clothing reassuring that it was the right outfit choice. She had a pair of black skinny jeans but they were comfortable, a white-ish gray All Time Low pullover, from Hot Topic obviously, and her red hair kept in a fishtail braid tucked under a dark gray beanie. She noticed Lynn wasn't a big fan of colored clothing, so she didn't want to seem out of place. She nearly laughed at this, realizing she didn't want to seem out of place in her own house. But she didn't want Lynn to feel left out with her very colorful family, except for her younger sister 'Zabeth' who still insisted the 'Eli' be cut from her name and that her soul was a dark place, and her dyed black hair and black clothes represented that. She was 14, and was testing the waters of the goth scene. Charlotte gave her three more months before she returned to her old bubbly self, or possibly test the waters of the hipster scene. Either way, her family was supportive as long as she didn't do anything to hurt herself that she might regret later. Other than that the Way clan was very a happy family and very tight knit, mostly due to the fact that they were more than fit in one house.

She finally gathered the courage when she realized she was already four minutes late, and she had arrived to the neighborhood ten minutes early. That's how nervous she was. She walked out with the violet she had bought at the flower store beforehand in one hand and her heart on the other. Of course, on of these I mean metaphorically. She walked all the way towards the door and knocked on the door, which opened almost immediately.

"Hi" Lynn said with the shyest smile Charlotte had ever seen in her lips. She couldn't help but reply in the same manner. "Hi." she handed the violets to her and Lynn's face lit up making her eyes sparkle and her smile shine. She took then from Charlotte's hand and smelled them before saying "Thank you, you know you're really sweet when you want to." Charlotte laughed at this remark, taking Lynn's hand in hers and asking if she was ready to go. She quickly nodded, using her free hand to lock the door behind her. As they were walking towards the car Charlotte started talking.

"You know, I chose violets because I read somewhere that that's what girls used to give other ladies in ancient times, like in Greece and shit. I'm not sure of the accuracy of that, or if I remember correctly, but I thought it would be appropriate." By now they had reached the car and Charlotte was opening the door for her. Lynn looked to her and kissed her cheek, saying two words to make her heart melt. "It's perfect."

They rode on the car listening to whatever came on the radio once they found this Alt Rock station. On the way Charlotte told her more about the Way clan.

"So, there's my mom and dad, they're really cute and mushy but super sarcastic with each other. I bet they were like those couples that hated each other at first, then somehow fell in love. I swear, they diss each other more than any other couple I know. But they're super friendly with everyone else, don't worry " Lynn was laughing at the remarks imagining what Charlotte's parents would be like. She knew now where Charlotte got her sharp wit and sarcasm.

"Then there are my sisters. I have a room alone, but I used to share with Isabelle before she got engaged. Elizabeth, though she likes being called 'Zabeth', and Caroline share a room. They used to be super close but ever since Zabeth went to the dark side they bicker all the time, even more than before. But I know they still love each other, they're best friends at heart." Lynn raised an eyebrow at her. "Dark side?" She asked. Charlotte just mouthed 'Goth' in response. "Though they're out with friends tonight. And with their respective boyfriends."

"Bet your parents are real happy with that." Lynn remarked sarcastically, making Charlotte laugh at the truth of the statement. "Yeah, well. They've met the boyfriends and they're good kids. Well, good awkward prepubescent teenagers if I were to be more specific." This time is was Lynn who laughed.

Before Charlotte could elaborate on the twins they had already arrived and said twins where on the front lawn grass playing with princesses and monster trucks. When they saw the car pull up they left Mud Princess Barbiezilla and her friends on the grass to run to greet their favorite sister. Charlotte parked the car, which was an old faded black pick-up truck, a hand-me-down from her dad, and crouched and extended her arms to meet the twins. They immediately ran into her arms and hugged her, pulling her arms afterward to lead her into the play ground they had. "Charlee, wanna play?" One of them said. One was dressed in a pink dress with bows, though it seemed a little dirty and the other was noticeably a tomboy, since she was wearing jean trousers and a blue and green striped shirt with a T-Rex on it and she had shorter hair. You would think they were a boy and a girl.

"I caan't" Charlotte said, breaking free of their surprisingly strong grasp on her arms. "I have company." With this Lynn was getting out of the car, and when the girls saw her they looked at each other, had a mental conversation, and turned to Charlotte again.

"Is she your gurlflend?" The one on the dress said with that cute childish lisp, and exaggerating the last word. "Yeah, is she?" The other one said.

Charlotte didn't know what to respond, if she said 'yes' but Lynn wasn't ready she could make her feel uncomfortable, but if she said 'no' maybe Lynn could get hurt. She wanted to say yes, but she stammered for a few second before she felt Lynn's hand hold her tightly, intertwining her fingers with hers. "Yeah, I am." She said to the girls. They started cheering and woooing, making Charlotte red with embarrassment.

The tomboy extended her arm, and introduced herself and her sister. "I'm Cece, this is Angie. You're really pretty." She said with a blush creeping on her face. "Like a princess! With cool hair!" Angie added with excitement.

Lynn was laughing now, and blushing too. After all being hit on by adorable little girls and called a cool princess didn't happen everyday to everyone. But it should. Even guys should get called pretty princesses. It's a huge confidence booster.

Cece turned to Angie, and whispered something her ear. Angie replied being the opposite of quiet. "She can't be your gurlflend. She is Charlee's gurflend. They are in looove." The two grown up girls where laughing uncontrollably now, mostly because of Angie's way of saying 'girlfriend' and 'love'. They were still holding hands. But also because what she was saying rang true and they were too nervous to admit it now.

Cece crossed her arms and pouted. "But I want a gurlflend too! Will you be my girlflend?" She asked Angie, who started giggling and gave her sister a peck on the cheek. "Only if you are my boyflend."

"Yay! I'm already dressed like a boy!" And they went into the house holding hands and laughing.

Lynn watched them enter the house still holding hands and she smiled. "Ah, the magic of young love, gender ambiguity and incest." Charlotte started laughing too, covering her mouth with one hand to avoid sounding too loud. She knew only too well one of those girls wasn't straight. I'm pretty sure you know which one by now.

"They have always been like that." Charlotte said leading her towards the doorway, following the stone path the twins had crossed. "In love?" Lynn asked stifling laughter.

"Almost, it's the twin thing. Most twins have these special bond, sometimes it's really creepy how they read each other's mind. But no, I meant Angie is into the dresses and the princesses and into boys. Cece is into the trucks and the dinosaurs and into girls. She is a tomboy girl most times but sometimes she calls herself Jack and we refer to her as a 'he'. I guess she's genderfluid, though we don't use that word because she doesn't like words she can't pronounce. But she knows who she is." Lynn could see pride in Charlotte's eyes as they spoke. They had become so invested in the conversation that they stopped dead on their tracks before opening the door because they were too busy looking at each other's faces.

"Wow. Pretty accepting of herself huh?" Lynn asked dumfounded. Someone so small and she already knew who she/he was. She wished she had that confidence to be herself at Cece's age.

"Yeah, well. As I said, we're pretty accepting. And having a really gay older sister let her know it was normal. And her school's fine with, no one has ever made fun of her. Mostly because if they do Angie will punch their nose. Weirdly, Angie is the brawl, Cece is the brain." She paused and took a deep breath before continuing, signaling the end on the topic. "Come on, let's head inside." Lynn nodded and they opened the door.

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