Knicks and knacks

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A week had passed since the eventful night at Lynn's house, where Lynn broke up with Andrea, kissed Charlotte, and then they binge watched the first season of Orphan Black up until early morning. Because movies are too mainstream. Charlotte stayed the night because a) she didn't want to leave Lynn alone in the sad emotional state she still was and b) she could fall asleep with the soft sound of Lynn's breathing and look at her peaceful face. Charlotte found it adorable how she curled up like a cat once she fell asleep and how she slept in the sweatpants and tee she was wearing and still look good, and she found it especially endearing how Lynn while sleeping started hugging Charlotte's arm, probably without thinking. But it had only been one night. And a week later and they had not talked outside of the store.

Charlotte didn't want to rush things and ask her out or something, despite the kiss, Lynn was still fresh out of a relationship and Charlotte didn't want to interfere or anything with her coping process. Charlotte had been through plenty of breakups before and if she had learned one thing through years of painful experience was that what Lynn needed now was time. Alone mostly.

But it had been a week and Charlotte had not yet forgotten the feeling of Lyndsey's lips on her, or the blush on her cheeks right after she looked away, let alone the raw gratitude in her voice. Her stomach filled with those unnecessarily colorful insects every time she thought about it, a blush of her own to match her hair also made an appearance. Lottie had it baaad.

And she hoped Lyndsey had it too. She knew she at least had feelings for her, but she had no idea if she was ever going to act on that. Or if she wanted to. All she needed was some sort of confirmation that she wasn't delirious when she thought they had a chance. Lyndsey had seemed normal at the store, but then again she was good at hiding feelings. Charlotte didn't know if it was appropriate yet to ask her out, but how could she know? It's not like there was a manual propped on her book shelf next to Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. She had to figure this out by herself, but it could be months before it was appropriate, and Charlotte wasn't the most patient person in the store. She thought it was crazy what she was about to do, but it was her only option. She told Lynn she was going to make a call and headed to the break room.
She punched the numbers in and waited for the person to answer.


"Lucifer, I need your help." She quietly uttered despite the fact that she knew the store better than anyone else and knew that you could murder someone in the break room and no one would hear, but she was still paranoid. Ah, love.

"Charlee, hey. What is the urgent matter? You never call me at work, you know it's my me time." He said a bit reproachfully, or maybe he was worried. Either way 'Charlee' was to caught up in her issues to give a witty remark. No, wait. She still had it in her.

"Luz, I know you're watching porn. Clear your browser history next time. Or better yet use the incognito window." She could hear Luke's embarrassment through the silence. But hey, she wasn't innocent either. She had watched her fair amount of porn, mostly when she was a confused little lesbian trying to figure out who she was. Good times, good times.

"But anyways, aside from that. You know Lynn better than I do, right? So, is it a good idea to ask her out now? I mean, it's been a week since she called splits with royal psycho and I want to ask her out, but I'm afraid it's too early."

"Lottie, I'm a guy. I don't know shit about this stuff. But you're right, I do know Lynn. And I think you'll be okay. Take her somewhere fun, not just your typical restaurant. She likes unexpected, so surprise her. And be good to her, okay? She deserves it." With this last sentence Charlotte couldn't help but wonder if Luke still liked Lynn. I mean, Lynn is a very likable person, but the way he said it, his tone of voice gave Charlotte second thoughts. But he gave her his blessing, so there was probably nothing to worry about there. He just cares for Lynn, that's all.

She made up her mind that at the end of the day she would ask Lynn out, before she left to her home. She was still thinking about what Luke said, somewhere unexpected, but it was a relatively small town. Where could she fond something like that? Everyone knew everywhere and all of its knicks and knacks. And also, because it was a small town she didn't the places where Lynn and Andrea had gone on dates. If she picked the wrong place she could ruin the whole thing. She racked her brain thinking about this the rest of the work day, closing hours coming at an extremely fast yet also uncommonly slow rate. Our perception of time is so weird. Charlotte couldn't stop thinking and she couldn't find a solution. Until she did. She realized what was the one place Lynn had never been, and Andrea sure as hell had never taken her on a date there. She was decided, and once se was decided time flew by.

Closing hours came and as Lynn gathered her things ready to leave Charlotte gathered last minute courage and walked up to her.

"Hey" she said softly. Lynn looked up and smiled. She said "hey" back.

"So I was wondering, maybe if you wanted to come over to my house later tonight just to watch a couple of movies, or I don't know, maybe something else like I don't know what do you want to do, if you want to I mean I..." Charlotte was taking a break to chastise herself for the most awkward asking someone out on a date, but she realized it worked when she felt Lynn's lips on hers. She immediately responded the kiss, though it didn't last long enough for her to put her arms around Lynn like she wanted because said Lynn pulled back.

"I'll be there." She said to Charlotte. "Pick me up at 8" And with that she grabbed her bag and headed out the door, taking one last look at Charlotte's smiling-like-a-dummy face.

To say it went better than expected was an understatement.

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